Celebrities you didn’t know have Dyspraxia

For those who don’t know dyspraxia is, a chronic, neurological disorder that begins in childhood. In this disorder a person can struggle with their planning of movement and co-ordination due to messages to the brain not  being sent to the body accurately.

Here at Fuzzable we accept and appreciate everyone, especially those with disorders and or disabilities. The reason for writing this article is to raise awareness for a disorder that is not as well known as say dyslexia or ADHD and that even celebrities can go through these disorders.

Today we are going to show you a few inspiring celebrities that have this disorder and how it affects them on the daily and in terms of their career.

Daniel Radcliffe

That’s right! British actor & heartthrob, Harry Potter himself sufferers from dyspraxia. This is something that he has kept private. Luckily he has a very mild form, he has reportedly got an inibility to tie shoe laces and “bad handwriting” these things are very common with dyspraxics. Co ordination can also be affected but luckily this hasn’t affected him in terms of his acting ability, stunts and his battles with the Dark Lord!

Cara Delevingne

British actress and model Delevingne has reportedly suffered from the disorder and has said to have a difficult time at school, she found writing hard and taking tests extra stressful. At the age of 15 she began to have emotional issues, which can occur regularly with dyspraxia. She says “all of a sudden I was hit with a massive wave of anxiety and depression” Althought things have appeared particularly hard on the young actress, it hadn’t stopped her from becoming a very successful actress, author and model. It hasn’t stopped her from doing amazing stunts in her films which dyspraxics would have definitely have found challenging, she states “to jump headfirst off the side of a thing attactched to a wire, that’s like my favourite thing” All we can say at Fuzz is what an inspiring young lady, thank you Cara!

Sir Richard Branson

Even the multi billionaire and founder of Virgin has struggled with Dyspraxia. He has reportedly been called “dummy” and “thicko” throughout his childhood years, and was said to be “tormented” by his fellow peers during his school years. He along with the other celebs on the list has struggled with his hand writing but due to the fact he also has dyslexia, writing and school has been just that bit harder. But this hasn’t stopped the man now become a genius, multi billionaire tycoon. We at Fuzz take are hats off to you Sir Branson!

We hope you enjoyed this list and have learned a bit more about dyspraxia, and that even if you so suffer from this disorder or other developmental disorders, it doesn’t mean that you are alone and things will get easier, these celebrities (and there are many more) are proof alone that things WILL get better.

Thank you for reading!

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All the best

Kay (@ptxkaykay (Twitter))

Written by Kay Simpson

I love to write, sing, act, binge watch YouTube Videos. I am a MASSIVE gamerI’m just your average 21 year old who wants to write and have fun

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