In the digital age where social media is at the tips of our fingers via a number of apps every day, we are all more connected than ever. From celebrities and film to music and television, we are living in the age of pop culture which encompasses more now than it ever has before.
We’ve already got sites where people come together to connect – like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. Well now, there’s Fuzzable. A new community built around you.
You’ll find pieces of yourself in our stories, advice for the moments in life that are hard to get through, and even fun feel good articles that make you remember all the good in the world.
We hope you’ll find yourself in our stories, that you’ll find light in the advice for moments that are hard to get through, and smiles in the feel good articles that are meant to do exactly that – make you feel good.
We’re fun, unique, zealous, and zestful. We are accepting, blithe, loquacious, and engaging. We are Fuzzable, and we do hope you’ll stick around to watch us on our journey.