We’ve talked about writing before, such as planning versus spontaneity when writing, but today we’re to focus on revising.
One thing that is important for us is to take a break and give projects space before jumping directly into revisions. This is primarily beneficial because it will allow your brain to clear so that you see your text without unconscious filters stopping you from seeing errors, whether grammatical,
While it is beneficial, there is no streamlined process that will apply to every writer. This is where revising becomes a little tricky. The amount of time and space you need might depend on the length of your text, or it might depend on your mental frame of mind – how attached you feel to the text. Either way, take a step back for a little while, whether it be a week, a month, longer, or anything in-between.
While in your break period, do something for yourself! You have worked so hard to create a draft of a text, and you now deserve to have fun, to relax. You can still think about your text in your break, but be conscious of how much you are thinking of it. We have thought of some of the best additions and changes to our texts while on our breaks, but ultimately remember to allow yourself mental and physical rest, too!
When you come back to your project, you will likely immediately see words, sentences, even entire paragraphs that you don’t like – but this is good. The space birthed a new clarity that wasn’t present before. Now, you will be able to better see your text and create the text that best reflects you and your skill, but most importantly the text with which you will be the happiest.
Regardless of how much time you give it, the time and space will prove to be beneficial and help stop frustrations from emerging. Though there isn’t a streamlined process that works for everyone, we wish you all the best with your writing and revision projects and goals!
What are your revision practices? Do you find space helpful? Comment below and tweet us @Fuzzable with all of your thoughts and