We only have 8 more times to use Nick Grimshaw as our morning wake up motivation

Nick Grimshaw only has 8 shows left at the helm of the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show, which means we only have 8 more mornings to use Grimmy as our morning motivation before he hands over the reins to Greg James.

How many of us have used Nick as motivation in a morning, lay in bed in a sleep induced haze listening to him as we get up, go about our morning routine and go to school and work?

Earlier this year Nick announced he was stepping down after 6 years as host of the breakfast show, having previously held the late night slot. ( He was essentially the James Corden of Radio 1).

He is leaving breakfast in good hands as Greg James will be taking over the slot and Nick will be taking on the afternoon slot.

We love the fact Greg and Nick are essentially doing a job swap, it’s an end of an era. But we are excited to see what they both do in their new slots and if they bring any of their much-loved segments to their new slots.

We won’t lie and say it isn’t going to take a bit of getting used to, hearing Greg in the morning and Grimmy for the journey home.

But we wish both Greg and Nick the best of luck in their new slots.

What do you think about Greg and Nick job swapping? Let us know at @Fuzzable or in the comments below!

Written by Kelly McFarland

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Twitter: @kellymcf6
Instagram: @kellymcf6
Contact: kellymcfarland89@gmail.com

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