To the ten, Jenn: The ‘No Cheese’ Challenge

So in my first ‘To the ten, Jenn’ (TTTJ) post I outlined a list of the things I will be cutting out completely each month in order to fit into size 10 clothes by the end of the year.

And to kick start the first month, I’ve gone for something that for me will be incredibly difficult: No cheese.

Yes, this includes cheese products like pizza and God’s glorious gift best known as cheesy garlic bread.

Oh man I’m going to fail… just thinking about this stuff is making my mouth water.

I don’t know whether I will be gouda or bad at this. But considering how I’ve already had a cheeseburger on the first day of the challenge, something tells me I’m going to be awful.

It was just a lapse – I’m sure. I bet I will be grate at this by the end of the 28 days. It’s got to get feta from here, right?

To brie honest with you, I’m glad I’ve chosen to cut it out on the shortest month of the year because I need to be nice to myself for the first attempt.

Trust me when I say this will be a challenge.

I’m known for adding cheese to anything and everything. I once sprinkled mature white cheddar all over a sweet and sour dish just because I could.

Alongside this declaration of No Cheese Please, I said I was going to drink two litres of water a day. Well I can officially say day one has gone down well.

Despite the constant need for a pee, I’ve knocked back plenty of the clear stuff and said H-2-NO to waterless days.

I don’t know whether dancing to the Fifth Harmony album like a five-year-old who’s had too much sugar counts as me beginning exercise? But it surely felt like it when I was trying to drag my 10 stone ass around the kitchen.

Anyway, not to be too cheesy here but I just need to keep at it and think positively. Day one might not have been the best start but it’s going to be onward and upwards from here.

Unless it’s my dress size, then that’s not allowed to be going upwards.

Reckon I will comeback after this first day flop? Let me know by leaving a comment or tweeting me over on @Fuzzable

Written by Jenn

still irish. still a psychology grad and nctj accredited journalist. still hopeful that caroline flack will marry me. ew i'm 23 now.

Fuzzable Blogs: February 1 – Birthdays are for losers

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