There is very little doubt that the educational system needs significant improvement. This is not necessarily an attack against the system – so much as an objective evaluation of the system. Education -in regards to what we are learning and discovering every day – is continually improving. Moreover, as a result, teaching, learning, and improving upon our curriculum is a necessity to provide students with the adequate amount of education they will need to be productive citizens in life.
This is no hyperbole statement or flair of mellifluous jargon.
Education, in the sense that we get students to think critically, is a necessity in life. It is undeniable that the educational system in America at the moment is failing many students and as a result, it is dooming many generations.
With this said – the need to put more force on teachers is NOT the solution – as that only adds more chaos and problems for the overall educational system. The solution is in offering and providing teachers a better outlet to which they can work much more intimately, not only with the students but with the parents.
Moreover, this is precisely what you will get with this software/program called “Thinkwave.”
So, if you have not heard of Thinkwave and what it can do for you school educational system then you are in for a very good treat.
Thinkwave: Thinking Of Taking Your Educational System To The Next Level?
What is Thinkwave?
Thinkwave is school management software which assists the school’s facilities – teachers, staff, principal, as well as students and parents – about the grading, attendance, participation, budget and lastly it dramatically assists in communicating with students and parents.
This software has dramatically reduced the number of things (grading, assignments, attendance, other tasks) and streamlines it so that they can be much more productive with educating students as all as keeping parents informed of their children performance in school.
Works Exceptionally Well With Students
This is excellent software for students as they have the opportunity to not only get air ahead of their assignments – but if they have missed an assignment, they can go through the assignment log and see what was missed.
Also, it also helps to keep track of student’s attendance, and teachers can inform their students of their absences. Not only does it keep students ACCOUNTABLE for their action but it also hello to notify parents fo there student performance and their attendance.
Parents Have Fallen In Love With This Software
To piggyback off of the last entry – the amount of transparency that this software provides for teachers, students, and parents has been much appreciated by parents.
Even more so – having that communication with teachers has been something that parents have entirely lived. It can be complicated and challenging having to work and also having also to keep track of how your child is doing. This is great for parents who can’t always get to those parent-teacher conference nights.
Teachers Find Handling Assignments and Grading Much Easier
Teachers have a lot on their plate. This probably goes without saying for those who are teachers – but this software allows teachers to grade much more effectively, track students performance in class, converse with parents almost effortlessly and overall making teaching much more comfortable.
Having to scour through pages of spreadsheets is not only time consuming, but it also ribs teachers of them to which they could use to come up with more fun and engaging lesson plans.
Users Feedback
Here are just a few testimonies from people who have incorporated this system into their school system.
We only have 85 students so it was easy to get everything setup. It took time to get all the teachers posting their grades but we still were able to get progress reports and report cards out more or less from the beginning. Last spring ThinkWave created a custom report card for our school and we are vey pleased with how it turned out. – Admin
“Being able to show my students exactly what they need to do to pull them up to their desired grade is fantastic. Knowing instantly what a student’s work has done for them and showing the student is a great motivator. Showing parents who complain about their student’s grades is great too, there’s no ambiguity, the numbers are there. The weighting and bonus grades allow some flexibility to reward students who make that extra effort. – George C.
“A host of records such transcripts, grades, attendance and so much more can be completed as well as printed with a few clicks. This saves us money and more importantly TIME.” – Matthew L.
“Easy to use and deploy. Cloud-based, so I can use on my iPad and school desktop. Does assignment type weighting. Also lets me upload and collect homework. Messaging could be better with automatic emails on demand. But does send weekly update emails.” – Sean W.
As you can see, there are many people (and this is just a small amount) who have been extremely satisfied with this software.
Final Thoughts
The saying that children are the future is to a statement that is meant to evoke over-dramatization – because children are very much the future. They are a generation which learns how to strive and move forward (innovate) by the actions we take now.
Improperly educating students is one of the worse things you can do for the coming generation and sadly because many schools are failing (and miserably in the United States) the need to provide teachers, students, and parents a system where communication is one of the primary motives is a necessity.
We highly recommend that schools that are looking for a system that can help to manage the ton of work and pair better that they must view on a daily basis to give this system a try.
There are a plethora of schools have genuinely fallen in love with this software, and we are quite sure that if you give it a try you to will also fall in love with it.