Now we all know that relationships can sometimes be pretty expensive things, what with the gifts, dates and the feeling to always one up each other. A monthly budget template is great to see where you stand financially, but typically the “Entertainment” category is too small to accommodate lavish dates every week. But, what if we told you that we are about to make your dating life, considerably cheaper, and still fun. Sounds really good right? Of course, it does!! So, here are our top 5 date ideas on a budget.
Bake Together.
Yes, this does sound very simplistic but, can also be very fun. Why not relive your childhood, go and grab a pre-mixed cake packet, you know the ones with little icing stickers! Cook them together, and then sit down, relax and enjoy your hard work… you deserve it!
2. A Movie Night
Cinemas can be romantic, with the atmospherical lighting, comfy seats and of course a frozen slush drink, but come on do you really want to be sitting near that annoying guy who won’t stop rustling his sweets? Or next to the girl who has a terrible cold? Not very romantic hey? So why not make your own cinema. This way, you can have a film of your choice, and food and drink which isn’t going to break the bank.
TOP TIP: make it more fun by bringing your bedsheets down and creating a den style set up, not only will it be really fun, but it will look super cute! Think of the Instagram photos!!
3. Go On A Walk
With all the public transport so accessible these days, people tend to forget how nice just going on a simple walk can be. There are so many nice places to walk around, whether you live in a city or the countryside, and it gives you time to talk as a couple and again, take some really cute photos. If you’re in the city why not try and find a car park where you can get to the top and watch the sunset, likewise if you’re in the countryside, a lovely bench in a park, or a field will work be just as lovely.
4. Game Night
As boring as spending 4 hours frantically trying to beat everyone at Monopoly sounds, you can make board games fun. Well, of course, you can if it’s just the two of you! Once the competition gets going you two won’t be able to resist trying to beat each other and before you know it you’ll be battling for the title of the King/Queen of the board games. Of course, if you guys aren’t big into board games, why not whip out a classic video game, it will work just as well!
5. Star Gazing
This one is so cheap! Get yourself a blanket and go and lie outside together, looking up at the stars and talking. Perfect!
These are just some of our favourite date ideas on a budget, and we’d love to know yours! Tweet us @Fuzzable and let us know if you try any of these, or your own!