Interviews are scary. From the anxiety of looking the part, meeting new people, and actually showing you are the best person for the job. Fuzzable has a fail proof guide to make sure you can do the very best in your interview. (Side note,we used to be in charge of recruitment at a sales office, so these tips are from either our experience of what we’d look for when recruiting, or even just our general life experience).
Before you attend your interview, swat up on the company. Don’t just read their website, check reviews, search on Facebook and read what others say about the company. Employers love when you know about them, it makes them believe your passionate about the company.
Be real.
Who ever it is who is conducting your interview, they’re not just looking for someone who knows everything. They’re looking for someone who’d be the best for the buisness and also will be great to work alongside
Transferable Skills
Right, so the most scary part of an interview is working out how to say your right for the job if 1) You’ve never had a job 2) You’ve not had a job in this type of place 3)You’ve not had a great amount of experience. Believe it or not, alot of the time you’ve got more skills and experience that you can relate to the job then you know. For example, if you were to get an interview for a coffee shop and it’s your first ever paid job, but baby sitting your cousins can be relatable experience. You have to meet your cousins needs and demands, just like customers for coffee. You do everything as safely as possible, in a coffee shop everything you need to do is health and safety reglated. Time keeping, you always make sure your cousins are in bed by 8, which demonstrates that you’ll be able to never be late for your shifts. See how easy it is. In the sales office, we loved people whose skills went further then just being able to use a computer.
Okay, so you may be nervous about this interview, but you need to believe in yourself. If you don’t believe that your the best person for this role, then who will.
Show an interest.
If your interviewer has a photo on their desk, mention its cute. If your employer has a keyring on their keys of a football team say that you loved their last game. If they have a cute cat mug, mention you have cats. Mentioning these things can make you stick in the interviewers mind. They’ll remember how you made them feel when it comes to picking whose right for the role.
Be proud.
Things that your proud about are the best thing to talk about when asked to tell them about yourself. If your the best with your nieces and nephews tell them. Tell them how your so proud of the time you helped the little ones riding a bike, if you have a blog talk about your stats. Employers love seeing pride. If you take pride in anything, they know you’ll be taking pride in your work.
Even if your going to college in 3 months, and this job is just to pass time make the employer believe you want to work your way up in the company. Don’t mention your plans for college etc, they’ll not employ someone who is showing they don’t want to be there long term. Say you want to work up to supervison in an envirmoent like this. Saying things like that will show the interviewer that your going to work hard to work up. Even if its just a dead end job to get you through.
Kiss up.
So, this maybe a fast food chain that frankly isn’t brilliant but the money is okay. But you need to fake that you think this is the best place ever. Say to them you’ve always admired how the staff provide a fun family atmosphere, or that their milkshakes are the best in the very world.
Ask questions.
It’s always awkward at the end of an interview when they ask if you have any questions. But instead of sayng no, ask away. Saying things like ‘out of curiosity, how was this company founded’ or ‘what awards have you won’. Again, this will make you stick in the interviewers mind.
Lastly, smile.
Smile as much as you can. Smile as you greet your interviewer, smile when talking about you, smile when you leave. A smile can make you and the person conducting the interview feel great. Being friendly will higher your chances.
We hope our expert tips help you land the job your going for. Remember that no matter what you can only do your best. If these tips help you let us know by tweeting us @Fuzzable.