The Twilight Saga, a young adult vampire-romance series, has been in the limelight since its release in 2005. Now that Midnight Sun, a book from the male protagonist Edward Cullen’s point-of-view will be released, let’s also talk about the brilliant Stephenie Meyer, the author of the series.
Who is Stephenie Meyer?
Stephenie Meyer is an American author best known for her series, Twilight, which has sold over 100 million copies, with translations into 37 different languages. People loved the Twilight series, even though Stephenie has no prior experience with writing novels before creating her saga. This shows the talent that she wields!
Aside from Twilight, Meyer has also ventured into writing adult novels called The Host and The Chemist. She has also established her own production company, Fickle Fish Films. With her artistic talent, it’s no surprise that she has numerous fans around the globe.
Stephenie’s Impact Around the World
Stephenie has been considered as “the world’s most popular vampire novelist since Anne Rice,” which is considered a huge feat. She is also named one of MSN Lifestyle’s “Most Influential Women of 2008” and ranked number 49 on TIME Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in 2008” list. It was a well-deserved achievement for Stephenie, as she also used the proceeds of one of her Twilight books, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, for charity. Isn’t it an inspiring good deed?
Stephanie has gained a lot of followers around the globe who are young readers because of Twilight. September 13 was even dubbed by her fans as “Stephenie Meyer Day,” which was also the birthday of her main character Bella Swan. She inspired a lot of people to release their creativity, from Twilight fanfics to cosplay, and the whole world knows just how much the “Twihards” love her.
Just recently, the Twihards became active again, with the announcement of Midnight Sun’s release. It will be in stores this August 4, 2020. We’re pretty sure that bookstores will be filled with people on that day!
What’s Next For Stephenie?
Now that Midnight Sun’s release was announced, what should we expect from Stephenie in the future? Thrilling and exciting new works, of course! With fingers crossed, we hope to see more of Bella, Edward, and the rest of the Cullen gang after Midnight Sun! But, whether it will be another new book, a new movie, or a new blog, we’re sure that Stephenie will exceed our expectations.
We wish Stephenie the success of Midnight Sun and her safety in this global pandemic. We would also like to thank her for being an inspiration to thousands of people in different countries. She deserves the recognition she receives!
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