REYNA, a duo comprised of sisters named Victoriah and Hannah Gabriela Banuelos, has just recently released their new single titled “Heartbeat,” and we cannot stop listening to it. This duo is signed with a management team that previously worked with Lorde, and they have also opened for Kesha. With credentials like these, we were more than excited to jump into the track – and we were not disappointed.
Immediately upon listening to the track we received positive vibes. Their sound is what we imagine Carly Rae Jepsen and Haim’s would sound like if mixed, and it’s completely entrancing. Their singing is mellow but powerful, and the lyrics are anecdotal and impactful. On top of this, the beat is strong and hypnotic. We find ourselves getting lost in it every time we hear it.
Their lyrics are complimented by brilliant vocal editing at parts, which matches both the tone of the song and the established beat. The fast and steady beat of the song beautifully symbolizes – at least to us – an actual heartbeat when we see someone we love, which adds perfect depth to the track.
Overall, this track is perfect for every season, whether you’re blasting it while driving in the summer or dancing in your bedroom in the winter. REYNA has imbued a quirky spirit and emotional essence into the track that bleeds through to the listener effortlessly.
If you like the sound of “Heartbeat,” be sure to check out REYNA’s social media to keep up to date with their releases. You can find them on YouTube here, @REYNATheBand on Twitter here, and @REYNATheBand on Instagram here. And you’re going to want to follow them, because they reportedly are working on a two part EP that will no doubt leave us speechless.
Are you loving REYNA’s new track as much as we are? Comment below and tweet us @Fuzzable with all of your thoughts and opinions!