Our top Backpacking Essentials

Can you believe we are already in March?! Where is 2017 going? Soon it will be Summer, which means one thing for quite a lot of people, backpacking. Backpacking is the latest travel craze in people, and with only a simple backpack the question is, what do you pack? We have come up with our top backpacking essentials to help make your backpack packing a little bit easier!


Sounds pretty obvious for a backpacking holiday, but considering this backpack is going to carry your life, you need to make sure that you get a sturdy and comfortable backpack. Shop around for a backpack which you will be able to comfortably carry and live out of. Look for backpacks that allow space but won’t weigh you down!


When abroad it is so crucial you have all the correct documentation you will need throughout your travels. The main documentation is your passport because you won’t get far without that! Make sure that it is in date and will stay in date for the duration of your holiday. Likewise, important documentation such as your insurance details and ID are of course essential.


In a modern society we are all used to using our torches on our phones, but what if your phone dies? Get yourself a small compact torch which you can keep in your backpack for if you need it.

Portable Chargers

Most of us have iPhones, and we are all arguably glued to them. With everything we could possibly ever need in one device they are perfect. The only not so perfect thing is their shocking battery life. Before you go, stock up on 2 or 3 portable chargers. You can then recharge these at every one of your overnight stops which will allow you to the security of being able to recharge your phone should it die while you are out.

First Aid Kit

When you are on your travels you’re going to need to be prepared in case you hurt yourself or need to take any medication. Try shops such as Boots, who have a prepacked first aid kit containing all the items that you could possibly need. A top tip here is to take extra plasters. There are never enough plasters in a first aid kit!


If you aren’t going to be taking your pictures on your phone, you’re going to want to take some sort of camera with you so you can capture and treasure those beautiful moments. You don’t need to spend loads of money on an expensive camera, how about going old school and buying a few disposable cameras? Then at the end of your trip when you get them developed you will be able to relive your trip.


There are going to be some places on your trip which are going to require you to lock your items up as a safety precaution. Be prepared and take your own locks with you.


Money is crucial because it is the heart of your travels. Make sure that you budget enough money per day, and if you are going to several countries with different currencies make sure you have enough of each currency to avoid having to pay the excess to get your money transferred there.


Wherever you’re going, the chances that you will know the area very well are quite slim. You need to be prepared. Before you travel, look at local maps from the area that you will be travelling around, keep a copy of the map in your backpack so that if you do get lost and your phone GPS doesn’t work, you can go back to the old fashioned way!

Sun Protection

You will need to ensure that you protect yourself from the sun while you’re travelling, such as using sunscreen, lip balm and wearing sunglasses. Protect your skin to avoid becoming ill and having to miss parts of your holiday.



Similarly to sun protection, keeping hydrated is just as important. Always carry around a water bottle with you, and a water filter or other treatment in case you are unsure about the safety of the water.


These are the basic essentials for backpacking, so all that is left to say is, go enjoy yourself!!




Written by Gabby Fabrizio

You'll probably find me drinking a very strong coffee or swaying away at a gig!

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