How many times how many times we get caught reading the other’s cell phone in bus, subway, class, etc., anywhere. But if we read other people’s cell phones – why do not we ever think about how many people have read our cell phone?
For a minute and think of the places you went through and started reading on your cell phone, but several people around you and the person on the right is reading your cell phone.
Sometime we quickly turn the screen down as the messages arrive, we will know the stress of the secret conversation: to help avoid distracted strangers on public transport (or nosy housemates on the couch) getting everything in their place. For business, I came up with some important tips to provide your privacy.
View Settings
Even though we are thinking of increasing the privacy factor in our phone, none of us probably do not really want to act like crazy with a secret, obsessively carrying your phone with you to the bathroom, there are times when we will end Let it in on the table, the coffee table, connected to charge where people are likely to catch a glimpse. One of the most basic ways to keep your texts between you and the sender is to disable the views of your messages.
Minimise your source
As a rule of thumb, the larger the text on the screen, the easier it is for someone to pretend to be looking away to read your e-mails. Let’s also assume that as a new, hot thing with texts and e-mails worthy of being seen, you have a reasonable view. Take advantage of this fact and shrink the font size as much as you can. An advantage of spending my fun uni years of short vision.
Invest in Screen Saver
Most people end up investing in a screen saver – once we have a chance almost to leave it, it suddenly seems like a very good idea. If we are concerned about reading about our shoulder, consider opting for the additional feature of a “privacy screen saver”; when looking at the screen as if it were holding, we will see everything clearly, however, from a side angle ie sat next to us on the bus, the screen appears black. See you later. Bonus: makes us feel mysterious and a bit like a spy.
So we’re here. Maybe we have nothing to hide. Maybe we are completely angelic and organise a surprise gift for someone. Maybe we’re not absolutely angelic and like to swap texts while sitting at your table trying to keep up a poker face.
If you are going to be caught reading anything, make sure it’s being caught following us on Twitter @Fuzzable.