He has appeared on our screens several times and we have seen him in action movies, comedy movies, and romance movies. And, the list goes on. He is not only a very talented actor but also a compassionate human being. We know him by the name of Bradley Cooper and he turns 45 today. To celebrate his birthday, we list down our five favourite movies from the actor and the filmmaker:
The first one on the list is “A Star is Born”. It is an American romantic musical drama starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. The film was released in October 2019 and was directed by Cooper himself! The movie is full of romance, music and singing which Fuzzable loves. It has a magical atmosphere and as the plot develops, we see a connection between the two music-lovers grow. Combined with love and music is the story of passion, that successfully moves the audience as they find themselves resonating with the characters.
The second movie that we like is “Wedding Crashers” which was released in 2005 and features Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Rachael Adams and of course Bradley Cooper. A romantic-comedy, Wedding Crashers is a lighthearted movie, the reason why love it. Who doesn’t love to have a good laugh at the movies?
Our third favourite is “Guardians of the Galaxy” which was released in 2014 and stars Bradley Cooper, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel and many others. While we loved this Marvel gem for its action sequences, we were left speechless with Cooper’s performance as he took up the role of Rocket Raccoon, showing a determined and fierce personality.
Our fourth favourite movie is “The Hangover” which was released in 2009 and starred Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms, Ken Jeong. The Hangover series has established itself as an exemplum in comedy. While its content might be a bit hard to digest, its very goriness and humour give it a unique charm. Cooper’s synergy with Jeong, Ed, and Zach is admirable and makes one look forward to the cast and the sequel.
Our fifth and final favourite movie is “Silver Linings Playbook” which was released in 2012. This movie is a comedy-drama featuring Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper. We did not just love this movie for its characters but also for the story they put forth. Showcasing his brilliant performance, Cooper depicted a character going through development and a transition from a toxic to an empathetic and a responsible human being.
What’s your favourite Bradley Cooper movie? Let us know via tweet @Fuzzable.