It’s okay to embrace and encourage the ‘new year, new me’ idea

January 1st usually brings on the ‘new year, new me’ plan of action. The end of a year is always beautiful and bright; full of joy and hope but it’s also a necessary time for reflection. Did you put your best foot forward that year? Did you speak kindness? Did your actions match your plans? Did you achieve what you hoped to over 360 days ago?

For many people, the answer is ‘sort of’ or ‘almost’ and that is just fine. When we set goals for ourselves, we shouldn’t make them easy to achieve, we should challenge ourselves because we know what we’re capable of when we set our minds to it. We shouldn’t lower the bar so we can make sure we move past it. We should set the bar high so every day we have something incredible to work for.

Another important part of setting goals for yourself is understanding that just because an acquaintance, friend, family member, or even celebrity has a certain goal for themselves, doesn’t mean you have to make it yours as well. There are always going to be people similar to you that want different things out of life. It’s important that we encourage each other on our own paths of following our hearts but not misleading ourselves or one another to following a desire that isn’t real.

It’s also important that, upon seeing these ‘new year, new me’ inspirations; that we remain encouraging. While it’s true that it doesn’t, or shouldn’t, take a new year to make a big change; a lot of people like the idea of a blank page, a fresh start, an entire year that holds opportunities and challenges that aim to teach us something new. There’s nothing wrong with that, and there’s also nothing wrong with that NOT being your own cup of tea. Some of us prefer Yorkshire, some of us prefer tea with milk, some of us like honey, some drink it green – it nourishes us all the same.

I have friends who had the best times of their life last year, I myself had some of the most incredible moments then too, and for some – that’s enough, they’re not trying to do anything different; they’ve changed, without realizing it – or with realizing it and not making a big fuss about it, and they don’t aim to set new goals; at least not right now. Not every day is the start of a new year and not every new dream requires a fresh start. You can be the same you that you’ve been for 365 days if you want to, as long as the heart of that you is a good one.

The world gives us 50 reasons a day to live as a pessimist, but if you look closely, it also gives us 100 to live as an optimist. That being said, there are times where the bad and the discouraging just seem to have the spotlight and during those times it’s easy to give up on yourself, or on one another. The truth is, no matter how bad it gets, love always wins and light always drives out darkness. So if/when you hit a bump in the road to a new you, or a snag in the stitchwork of a new part of you; allow it to teach you something instead of ending your journey completely.

So today, as you scroll through your social media and see the ‘new year, new me’ posts, or the lists of things people hope to achieve, as you see the inspirational quotes and photos that people are using to set as their beginnings on their journeys – wish them well. There are always opportunities to be kind and supportive and while the new me every January 1st mindsight may drive some of you bonkers, it’s something that people need to be inspired and to believe in something good – and when it comes to inspiration and goodness – the world needs all it can get.

I’m sending you all of my best on your personal and professional journeys in 2017 – whether you want to be a new you completely or just shine that already fabulous you that exists right now. This is your year; go make it incredible.

Written by Fuzzable

This content has been created by a Fuzzable staff member. We post the latest news and features for you to read every day.

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