Mumma-to-be Beauty Essentials!

During 9 tough months of pregnancy, it’s easy to feel not as glam as you where pre-bump. Your skin does some crazy things- (acne, dry skin, oily skin etc), you can’t see your legs to shave them, you go from wanting to spend an hour on your makeup to just having a 10 min burst of energy to do it in, stretch marks and well needing to find a way to fake that pregnancy glow. Although everything is changing, we’ve decided to make this ‘Mumma-to-be Beauty guide to help you always feel like the force of nature you are! (All products are tried, tested and loved by a first time mum to be).

Facial Skin Care

Urban Veda Soothing Facial Oil – £29.99 – Feel Unique.

Not only does the Sandalwood scent make this serum the best smelling thing ever, it literally is the best thing for soothing hot pregnancy skin. If your feeling dry or spotty or even just need an overnight miracle this is the answer. We only use 3-4 droplets, but even after the first use,you notice a huge difference.

Nip and Fab Jelly Wash Teen Skin Night – £6.99 Superdrug

One of the worst things this Mumma-To-Be found was acne. Old wives tales claim that girls steal your beauty and leave you with spots which is totally untrue, as this Fuzzabump is a boy, but acne happened. The whole Nip and Fab ‘Teen Skin’ range has helped massively during the first trimester and this is the champion product.

Yes To – Cooling Cucumber Moisturiser – £8 (Offer) BeautyBay

If you are in need of a Mama Massage, and your skin needs just some full-blown moisture, this is the best thing ever. The rollerball applicator makes you feel like your at a Spa (minus the champagne) your skin feels cooler, and alongside the Urban Veda you will shake the dry skin feeling instantly.

Revolution Skin Care x Jake Jamie Mango & Chia Seed Mask – £8 RevolutionBeauty

Admittedly, we purchased this mask purely as Jake Jamie is one of our favourite Instagram stars ever. (See full details on the range here) and this mask is a tub of the pregnancy glow. Our dull skin was transformed and what’s better is the mango scent takes you away to a tropical land. Congrats Jake for making the best Mumma-to-be mask around!

Makeup –

Wet and Wild Photo Focus Foundation – £5.99 Boots.

This is the best foundation hands down whether your pregnant or not. We’ve found it’s so quick to use, perfect on all skin types, and makes us feel better when we’re hormonal, looking not that great and needing a pick-me-up. A sure Mumma-to-be beauty essential.

Revolution Conceal and Define Concealer- £4 ASOS.

If your suffering from pregnancy acne, or sleepless nights are giving you dark circles then this is your secret formula! The world is obsessed with the bargain product, and us future mamas are too. Honestly we’ve faked 10 hours sleep today, and you can’t even tell.

Pixi Beauty Hello Beautiful Face Case – £24 Look Fantastic.

Time is one of those things when pregnant that goes too fast, and you never have enough of it. We’ve found this Pixi eye and complextion pallet has been a god send. We can create a quick go to glow look with it, and just feel so much brighter when in a rush.

Carmex Lip Balm – £2.70 Tesco

If you ask any mum what her hospital bag essential is, it is always lip balm. And there’s no lip balm better than Carmex. Your lips are instantly nourished soothed and left feeling hydrated. (Side note, the cherry and mint scents are also AMAZING).

Skin Everywhere else-

Nair Ultra Sensitive Hair Remover – £3.08 Superdrug.

If your bump is in the way, you may not be able to see where to shave, or worse a kick whilst using your razor could end badly. This is a godsend. You can feel where to apply if you can’t see, leave for 5 mins and bam! They also do one for bikini lines and armpits.

Ayumi Body Scrub Sandalwood – £4.99 Fragrance Direct

If you need a body scrub that will make you feel fresh and relaxed then this is the one for you. The scent is unreal, and lasts until your next shower. (Cuteness alert, Fuzzabump always has a massive wiggle when we use it on our bump, we don’t know if he can smell in there, or if its because we feel so relaxed, but it’s the one sure fire thing to get a big wiggle).

Bio Oil – £6.70 Asda.

Prevention is the best cure when it comes to stetchmarks, and Bio Oil is the original and best stretchmark oil around. We’ll be using this after pushing too, to make sure that although we will have stretchmarks, they’re kept to a minimum.

Palmers Coco Butter Massage Cream £3.65 Feel Unique.

This is the best bump cream going. Nothing feels more special than rubbing this in to smooth your growing tum, and then feel a little wiggle from your tot. Palmers make some of the best products about, and this is the cream of the crop. The bottle is huge and smells like happiness.

We hope you’ve found this Mumma-to-be Beauty and skin care guide helpful. Let us know if you have any other recommendations of products we need to help us through the last 11 weeks of pregnancy! Tweet us @Fuzzable

Written by Niki


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