Living in the moment might not mean what you think

Living in the moment might just be the most tired piece of advice in circulation, but it might hold within it a nugget of truth. We are not here today to simply repeat these words to you; rather, and more interestingly, we are here to explore the potential truth inherent in it and how it can apply to each and every one of us.

When we discuss this frame of mind, we do not mean it as a philosophical state in which you must live your entire life in order to succeed and be happy, as some might describe it. Instead, we mean taking a period of time, as small as a shift at work or as long as a multi-year university program, and living symbiotically within it.

In the modern era, a lot of the world – especially in the United States where this is being written – values productivity and fast-paced action. Because we are constantly and consistently subjected to this state of mind, it bleeds into our thought processes. We can see ourselves showing up for a shift at work and saying, “Ugh, when will this shift be over?” Likewise, this could happen at university. One might say, “Ugh, why won’t these four years just be over?”

This mindset can lead to an overflowing torrent of pessimism while suppressing motivation. However, if we employ the idea of living in the moment – or in these specific moments – we might be able to alter this path on which we have set ourselves. Instead of wanting time to pass and dreading specific timespans, anchor yourself. It’s a mental trick, but one that, if mastered, will likely increase your overall happiness.

If you are able to anchor yourself, you will begin asking yourself new questions, ones that you wouldn’t have thought before when dreading that work shift or those college years. Think about what you can do in that time period that can benefit you. Maybe there is networking you can do at work to advance yourself, or maybe there are opportunities you can uncover while in college. Of course, this also means you will likely have more fun, make more friends, etc. You just have to change your mindset and understand all of the individual moments in life, rather than “living in the moment,” which is overly general.

Ultimately, regardless of whether you are handling a shorter or longer time period, life boils down to taking life one day at a time. Please note, though, that this mindset is no cure for any mental health issues one may have. This mindset simply counters the aforementioned notion instilled within us and may, in a strange twist, lead to increased productivity. Regardless, we hope this advice helps you not only in your everyday life but also in your long-term endeavours. We believe in you.

Do you subscribe to this advice? Comment below and tweet us @Fuzzable with all of your thoughts, opinions, and experiences.



Written by Preston Smith

capricorn, coffee addict, cat owner

twitter & instagram: @psm_writes

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