Influencer 101: Saffron Barker

Here at Fuzzable we love scrolling through our favourite influences social media feeds and watching their latest video content. So we’ve decided to give you an up to date guide on some of our faves and some of the biggest influences around at the moment.

Who is Saffron Barker?

Saffron is a social media influencer and YouTuber. Her main channel’s (which holds 1,165,472 subscribers) content includes fashion, beauty, challenges, collaborations, lifestyle, music and Q&A’s. She also has a vlogging channel, holding 673,997 subscribers, which she has been vlogging on every single day for the entirety of 2017.

Who has she worked with?

Saffron has collaborated with many influential YouTubers such as Oli White, Anastasia (Floral Princess) Josh Pieterse, Jack Maynard, Mikey Pierce and Loren Gray. She has also collaborated with Primark to create her own home-ware. With all of these big names under her belt, it is safe to say Saffron is on her way to being a massive influencer. Here are some of our favorite videos from her:

How can I follow Saffron? You can find her on the following platforms:

Main Channel

Vlogging Channel



Snapchat: saffronbarkerr

How has Saffron Barker influenced you? Let us know by leaving a comment or tweeting us over at @Fuzzable.

Written by Fuzzable

This content has been created by a Fuzzable staff member. We post the latest news and features for you to read every day.

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