Are High School Days Really The Best Days Of Your Life?

The short answer: yes they are.

High school is a big deal for anyone, let’s face it, and I don’t think you’ve realised how much you’ve grown up until you are sitting at your Graduation with the Principal wishing you well for the future. I know that was the case for me personally – and I was a wreck on Graduation Day. I guess it hit me that the place I had called ‘home’ for the past seven years had to be left behind and it was time to move on, even though I wasn’t sure I was ready.

It’s always hard moving on, and I mean that generally. Whatever way you want to interpret that – be it moving on from high school, getting over a break-up or anything else – moving on is extremely difficult. For me, it was the uncertainty of the future.

Growing up, a lot of family friends had said ‘high school days are the best days of your life, treasure every moment for they will be gone before you know it.’ For me, they certainly didn’t seem like the best days of my life when I was failing every subject and behind on coursework, but looking back, I wouldn’t change a single minute of it. It was truly heartbreaking saying goodbye to a place that shaped me in to the person I am today.

Every person I met during my time at high school, every teacher that taught me – I will be forever grateful to every single person. If I could go back and do high school again, even though it was stressful, I would do it all again.

I recently met up with a friend who attended the same high school as me. She went off to university and I went off to college – but we both said exactly the same thing: both are completely different from high school. The dynamic is different in both, everyone seems more laid back and to quote her words, they are ‘worlds apart.’

The college dynamic for me is extremely strange and I remember thinking that I would settle in after a few weeks, but I still find it hard to get used to. There’s such a mix of people in the class and everyone keeps themselves to themselves and just gets on with their work. There’s no real friendships that have been forged that will be long-lasting compared to friendships that are made in high school.

If you are in high school, my advice to you is this: cherish every moment because before you know it, you’ll be saying goodbye to the people and the place that made you who you are today.

Written by Fuzzable

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