Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Here Are The Best Animal Crossing Memes To Make Your Day

It’s 2020 and people are still just as obsessed with Animal Crossing since the first game launched in 2001. Over the years, the franchise has seen many homes on consoles like the Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, Wii, and Nintendo 3DS. Fans have been waiting a long time for the next installment of Animal Crossing to release on the Nintendo Switch. Animal Crossing: New Horizons was originally supposed to come out sometime in 2019 but was delayed to March 20, 2020, so you can imagine how excited fans are to finally have the game in their hands now.

Since many people around the world are stuck in quarantine, they’ve been gravitated toward playing the game for hours on end. Both new and old fans alike are finding both joy and frustration over the game’s characters, storyline, and overall mechanics, and are sharing their thoughts and feelings over on Twitter through hilariously relatable memes. From Tom Nook’s antics and nights full of hunting tarantulas to making friends with fictional characters and seeing nothing on Twitter but people playing Animal Crossing, there’s a meme for everything. Whether you’re an OG AC gamer or are just getting into the franchise, these memes will be sure to make your day. If you don’t have the game yet or have no idea what it’s about, these tweets will convince you to go out and buy AC so you don’t miss out on the fun.

Without further ado, here are the best Animal Crossing memes on Twitter. Warning: prepare to laugh your pants off.

For more Animal Crossing content, check out our article detailing the game’s six brand-new features. Also, in case you’re looking for more video game recommendations, check out the top five Mario games we recommend for the Nintendo Switch, as well as our review of Final Fantasy XV.

Have you played Animal Crossing: New Horizons yet? Let us know by tweeting us at @Fuzzable!

Written by Michele

My name is Michele Mendez and I am a student at Temple University studying Media Studies and Production. Have a story idea? Contact me: TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, & FACEBOOK: @michmendezmedia

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