Hand holding a phone with TikTok open, next to title text reading "Fuzzable's FYP Flashback January 2021"

Fuzzable’s FYP Flashback: January 2021 TikTok Trends

Welcome to Fuzzable’s FYP Flashback! In this series, we take a look back at the funny videos, trending audios, and iconic influencers that took over our TikTok For You Page in the past month.  By being part of these January 2021 TikTok trends, we got our driver’s license, joined a woodchuck resistance, and sent some love to our besties. Can we get an “OWA OWA?”

The Woodchuck Revolution


#woodchuckchallenge #lastofourpeople #humanswillwin

♬ original sound – Pip

Do you remember that in January 2020, the internet was certain World War 3 was near, sparking a number of memes and TikTok videos? A year later, the fear of war was replaced by the fear of a woodchuck revolution. The revolution was brought to the internet’s attention when TikTok user (and now, self-proclaimed woodchuck resistance leader) @piptersen made a video sketch about a society overthrown by woodchucks. Following this lead, numerous people made videos using AronChupa and Little Sis Nora’s “The Woodchuck Song”, putting themselves in various dystopian scenarios within the woodchuck revolution universe and becoming part of one of the earliest 2021 TikTok trends. At least we all know what to do the day the Great Woodchuck War comes around.

Sea Shanties


#duet with @_luke.the.voice_ #bass #xyzbca #xyzcba #stitch #foru #foryou #fyp #banger #seashanty @nthnevnss

♬ Wellerman – Sea Shanty – Nathan Evans

A new style has music has taken over and it is not what you would expect. Early 2021 marked the rise of the sea shanty, due to a number of TikTok singers and musicians. At the end of December, user @nathanevanss posted a video of himself singing “The Wellerman,” a sea shanty from New Zealand. From there, the shanty gained even more traction when numerous people began duetting the video and adding harmonies, instruments, and even electronic beats. The next time people start gathering in person again, sea shanties will be at the top of the playlist.

Drivers License


Actor and singer, Olivia Rodrigo, started off the new year with a bang with the release of her debut single, Drivers License. The song quickly resonated with listeners and took off on TikTok in multiple ways. Some used the song as audio to emotional and aesthetic transition videos. Others were passionate about the song’s meaning and posted multi-part discussions on their theories about the song’s story. Then, there were the remixers, who came in two groups: there were those who made unique musical mashups and there were those who went down a more meme-related route. Because of this, Drivers License made it to every corner of TikTok, taking over For You Pages in no time.



that escalated quickly… #sodramatic #humor #oldpeoplefacebook #boomer #musician #producer

♬ original sound – Lubalin

Have you ever had a strange Facebook Marketplace encounter? The story of an online interaction gone sideways is what inspired musician and TikTok user @lubalin to make a song in late December titled “Internet Drama.” In the song, he re-enacts an interaction between a buyer and seller that is way more complicated than it needs to be. In January 2021, people began using his audio as a backdrop to share their strangest internet scenarios. Some also used the song’s lyrics as a way to reply to unwanted DMs. We should all say tsanks to Lubalin for creating such a catchy song.

SM6 Takeover


in the snow!!❄️ #fyp #spacegirl

♬ space girl – Frances Forever

Family pop-rock band and TikTokers, SM6, went viral last April when they created their quotable “don’t flinch challenge, go!” video. Since then, videos from the @sm6band account have continued to show up on For You Pages sporadically, but on January 10, 2021 SM6 completely took over TikTok by making their own personal accounts. Siblings George, Isabel, Adam, Emily, and a combined Eliana and Jack each made brand new accounts and posted several videos over a 24-hour period, many of which ended up on For You Pages and a few of which went viral. Later, the band revealed that the accounts were part of a competition to see who could get the most followers in one day.

Group Chat


♬ original sound – Lexis Trechak

Ah, the group chat. Can’t live with it and can’t live without it. Anybody who has ever been in a group chat knows the struggle of trying to make plans, agreeing on something, or simply have a single straightforward conversation. Using TikTok’s latest text-to-speech feature, people are now exposing the messy conversations that occur in their group chats of friends, classmates, and family members. There is a sense of comfort knowing that everybody’s group chat is a little bit dysfunctional.

Bestie Vibes Only


Bestie vibes only

♬ Bestie vibes – Tiktoshh

Having been in lockdown for close to a year now, many people are really missing their best friends. TikTok user @tiktoshh went viral in January for her daily videos talking to her bestie. Some days, she confesses something scary to her bestie, while other days she simply wishes her bestie goodnight. One of the most viral bestie-themed videos features her repeatedly exclaiming “bestie vibes only,” which became trending audio that TikTok users added to their own videos. Who else wants to be TikToshh’s bestie?

Running and Crying


Some things are just so awkward, embarrassing, or sad that you immediately want to run away crying. This TikTok trend does that, but ups the dramatics, with people running from their worst scenarios in slow motion as Beyoncé’s Halo plays in the background. Whether it’s a regrettable interaction with a crush, or maybe the lack of interaction altogether, TikTok has decided that the perfect solution is to run. At least we are getting in our daily cardio.

Not Perfect


As Hannah Montana once said, “nobody’s perfect” and the latest among the January 2021 TikTok trends is proving this to be true. Using TikTok’s ghosted filter and singing along to Hoobastank’s “The Reason,” people are sharing why they are “not a perfect person.” Maybe it was an embarrassing error made on a test, a hypocritical statement made to a friend, or a misunderstanding of common knowledge, but no matter what, this is proof that “everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days.”



Reply to @yunggravy when we linking fam? #Pudgywoke #Foryoupage #Foryou #Fyp

♬ Pudgywoke x YungGravy – Pudgywoke

Who can resist a silly dog? Clearly, not many can resist @pudgywoke, one of the latest canine TikTok stars. Although Pudgy, an older Chihuahua, was on TikTok in 2020, he became a household name in January 2021. Everyday TikTok users, influencers, and brands alike have become fans of Pudgy for his very vocal personality. His signature catchphrase “OWA OWA” is just one of many unique noises that he makes. Just one look at Pudgy’s comment section will show the number of sounds that Pudgy has “unlocked” including crab, motorbike, and zipper noises. Let’s get an OWA OWA for this TikTok icon!

What has been your favourite trend so far this year? Are there any January 2021 TikTok trends that we missed? Tweet us @Fuzzable to let us know!

Written by Kendra Seguin

Aspiring journalist and Price is Right contestant.

Instagram: @kendraseguin
Nail Art Instagram: @kendranailingit

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