Hmm, where do I even begin? Well, I guess I’ll just start with the basics.
My senior year started about two weeks ago, and I must say it’s been quite eventful but laid back at the same time…does that make any sense? Probably not, but I’ll keep going.
The beginning of my senior year started directly the opposite of how I expected it to start (although, the first day I did have a resting bitch face on since I wasn’t too thrilled to be back at the place that gives me the most stress). It went rather smoothly, and although I was aiming to get away from the drama, I just couldn’t run fast enough as it ended up catching up with me.
Needless to say, a friendship was severed at my hands and looking back at it now, I don’t regret it. I did feel like I always had to compete with that person and I felt as though I was standing in their shadow. My potential and my ability to be the best I could be was being out shined and unnoticed because of that person, so this friendship is one I’m happy to get out of.
A tip ladies and gentlemen: It’s okay to speak up for what you think is right and to defend yourself when you need to. For the longest time I was struggling with that concept, and I let my best friend fight most of my battles for me, because I was too much of a coward to do it myself. Even if you standing up for yourself results in a broken friendship, it’s totally worth it, because then you’ll realize that if your friendship with that person couldn’t stand during a fight, was it really meant to be?
Two weeks into my senior year and I’m already crazily bored out of my mind. Going to the same 70-80 minute classes, and eating the same lunches has become a new routine for me. I’m bored. And I’m only bored because of how much I crave something exciting and adventurous to happen in my life. Has that happened yet? Nope. And until that does, I’m stuck being a regular high school senior.
The bright side is that my classes haven’t been extremely hard and the last two weeks have been, as I said, pretty laid back as far as work load and teachers go. I did almost fall asleep in Religion a couple times though, probably because all we do is watch videos and listen to the teacher ethics (which I’m pretty sure has nothing to do with religion).
Getting to catch up with long time friends and even mending old friendships has been pretty nice, as this year is the year everyone’s done fighting and being petty to one another. Let’s just hope that’s not a front that people are keeping up for the first month of school.
Overall, the first two weeks of my senior year have been pretty cool and I’ve learned a lot within that time believe it or not. Let’s hope this year brings more luck and good fortune my way.