Fuzzable Blogs: May 7 – Hello, It’s Me (Again)

Kelly wasn’t able to complete her blog, so I offered to write a blog in her place.

My blog went out on the 5th, but I do have new news. I started another website! I know, you guys are getting annoyed with my websites. I have confidence in this website though.

In late 2014/2015, I changed my Twitter username to @fxckyeah_bands. I’ve had so many great things happen to me while using that username and I didn’t want to part with it. However, I’m 17 years old and it’s time for a more professional username.

I have an emotional attachment to that username and I didn’t want to get rid of it, so I turned it in to something else.

That username is now the foundation of my new website dedicated to music. For now, I will be the only person writing on it until it starts to take off.

I want to use this website to get up and coming artists names out there. I’ve seen bands struggle to gain a following and I want to help them.

I understand the name has a sensored cuss word in it, but this will be a website directed towards teens. The more edgy the better in this case.

This should be my last website post for awhile.


Let us know what you think over at @Fuzzable or let me know directly over at @fxckyeah_bands.

Written by Grace Bong

You will usually find me at concerts watching my favorite bands.
Twitter: @GraceBong00
Instagram: @GraceBong00
Snapchat: @gmbong00
Email: gracebongpr@gmail.com

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