Fuzzable Blogs: March 3 – Subconscious New Years Resolutions

I’m not the type to overlook the excitement of New Years. I’m always aware of these rituals that people practice to ring in the new year.

However, at the start of this year, I figured that I didn’t want the burden of New Years resolutions weighing down on my senior studies. At least, that was what I had thought.

As February drew to a close, I realised that I had picked up more cocurriculars than I had ever done before.

Without any intention of using my cocurriculars and clubs for a sparkly report at the end of the semester, I had joined chess club, and writing club, and I even picked up Norwegian and tennis! (All of these clubs and activities also meshed together with my other regular cocurriculars.)

The fascinating thing is I don’t see myself giving up any of these activities in the near future, even with my new workload. I had always equated more cocurriculars with less time for school work. In reality, I just didn’t use my time efficiently at home and at school to maximise my time for leisure.

And it also helps that I genuinely enjoy all my cocurriculars. They make my weeks feel rounded and fulfilling, as I’m busy—because I choose to be. That’s definitely a positive that 2017 has yielded thus far.

I also figured that reading books was another great way to spend my time. Last year, I was compromising time that should’ve been spent studying, on books. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing—I just personally lost my motivation to do work that didn’t involve reading. Now, reading books, and watching films and TV series are regularly on my schedule.

I came to realise that, though I never explicitly set out any goals or resolutions at the end of 2016, I subconsciously enabled myself to enjoy my week more by joining new clubs (and even a sport, mind you), organising time to continue reading books and watching movies, and, of course, staying focused in school.

Here’s hoping my next blog entry will contain Norwegian phrases, tennis tips, and chess strategies!

This blog was written as part of Fuzzable’s blog series. Check out other writers’ blogs here.

Written by The Uyen Cao

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