Okay, so I again don’t know what to write for my blog piece, this is a recurring theme every month and perhaps the reason why I haven’t written a blog article since December – well, to be fair, I have been majorly busy recently and I’ve been majorly tired, a combination that certainly doesn’t bode well, but I’ll sleep when I’m dead as I always say; which apparently comes from an American singer-songwriter from the 70’s called Warren Zevon – I never knew that and I’ve never heard of him and now I’ve just distracted myself for the past 20 minutes, typical me.
Right, so back to the subject of this blog, which wasn’t even a subject until a couple of seconds ago as I tried to think about what to write about – since I had no idea what to type up, and so I’m kind of just going with the flow, so this blog may be a jumbled mess. Buying presents for my partner is my topic and I chose this because I am a little bit obsessed with buying him presents.
I don’t know what it is, but every time I see something that I know he would like, I just get it; well, within my money budget and if it’s worth the price – his happiness is always worth it. I think I have this obsession because we’re in a long-distance relationship and I miss him a lot. We spend more time missing each other than seeing each other, and that’s hard to think about, but we both know that long-distance isn’t forever, and we’re still going strong after a year and (almost) two months. Being able to deal with long-distance shows that we can tackle anything that our future throws at us because our love is unbreakable.
The thing is, missing him is what gets me in the mess of buying him stuff because the thought of his face lighting up and enjoying the gifts I’ve got him makes me more excited to see him next, allowing my mind to focus and get excited about the next time I see him rather than constantly missing him day-in-day-out.
The last present I bought him was an adorable notebook that had dinosaurs on the front in a pattern. It’s something I spotted months ago but was way too expensive for what it was, until I happened to be shopping and I saw it in the sale – I made such a bargain that day with everything I bought, especially since it’s a shop that is generally expensive, so I tend to avoid going in there.
Just today, my partner treated me by buying me some new headphones after I lost the ones he previously bought me months ago (it was one of the first presents he ever got me). I specifically remember the old ones being in his room before we left for a weekend away in Portsmouth & Southsea – but we’re not sure what happened to them afterwards. So, I’ve been walking to work headphone-less for about three weeks now. I’ve been desperate for a new pair but haven’t been able to afford some, and now I don’t have to get some when I next get paid as my boyfriend got me some new ones. They’re black and blue in colour with the brand name Rydohi, they’re lightweight, and they look super-slick. I can’t wait to try them.
I’m gaining quite a lot of gifts for him, that I’ve hidden away. They’ll probably be thrown into a bundle for his birthday – which isn’t until August. He’ll just have to wait to find out what presents I have got for him.