Hello and welcome back to this month’s Fuzzable blog!
It feels like forever since I’ve done a blog post, or even just writing casually. I’ve been incredibly caught up in college work and revision. Over the past three weeks, I’ve had my A-level exams. They finished on the 23rd of June so I’m officially done for summer; done with college, really, since it was my last year. It’s a bit scary but also exciting for what path the future will take.
Due to this focus on revision for exams, it’s left me in a bit of a slump. I’ve had hardly any new ideas for anything, and the ones I do get, are just a bit too out of my reach. It’s also left me in a bit of a slump mentally, too. I thought once I’d finished exams it would reinvigorate me, but it hasn’t.
It’s difficult getting into a new routine when you’ve suddenly come to a halt with the one you’ve been doing nearly every day for the past 2 years. This is even truer when I’m not even sure what I’m going to be doing within the next 6 months or so. Usually, I’d be going back into education, going back for another year. However, as I’m 18, I’m no longer legally required to stay in education. I’ve finished my A-Level courses and I haven’t applied for university either.
My focus for the summer is to work on myself. To build up some skills. When I think about it, I know the things I like, but I’ve never felt I’ve had the time to pursue the things I like. So this summer, since I don’t have any work to do before the new academic year starts, I want to work on myself; learning new things, building and strengthening the skills I already have. I never want to stop learning, that’s one thing I do know.
This blog post was a little bit of a mess, but if you’ve gotten to the end, thank you for coming along for the ride. I appreciate it. Until next time!