
Fuzzable Blogs: March 3 — A List to Brighten Your Day

The first few months of the new year are about the time that your holiday hangover settles. You might be having some rather deflating thoughts about the fact that Christmas is over, New Years celebrations have long since passed, and school or work will resume, business as usual.

Never fear, though, as I’ve compiled a quick guide—complete with memes, cheesy romance novels, and music videos—to overcome your holiday hangover.

Cardi B and Bruno Mars’ Grammy Performance of Finesse

The two stars collaborated on the throwback hit and gave an unforgettable performance at the 2018 Grammy’s. The upbeat blast from the past is sure to be a hit in the early hours of morning by yourself or the late hours of night at a party.

Sarah Dessen’s Saint Anything

A household name in young adult fiction, Sarah Dessen has written many coming-of-age novels targeted at teenagers. They have heavy romance elements without disregarding the themes of family, friendship, and growth—and Saint Anything is no exception. The novel follows Sydney as she navigates being a shadow of her old brother, young love, and difficult parents.

Singing Dog

I love a good dog video as much as the next person, but this is a standout. This canine popstar is sure to brighten up your day instantly. The vibrato, the stage presence—this dog has the X Factor, for sure.

Mario Kart is coming to phones

I don’t have to spend five minutes navigating a Wii console to play a round of Mario Kart? Need I say more? This is the best news to hit the press since McDonald’s all-day breakfast.


How have you overcome your holiday hangover? Tell us all about it on Twitter.

Written by The Uyen Cao

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