Today is Boxing Day, and here I am trying to come up with something to write about for my Fuzzable blog while I’m currently ill (I’ve had uvulitis for a couple of weeks, but I’m nearly completely better – I hope), with absolutely no idea, and so I’m just going to write about yesterday – Christmas Day.
Christmas is a time for sharing, a time to spend with your family, and a time to enjoy the gift of giving. That’s what I feel during Christmas Day, and the excitement builds as December comes around as I start to buy Christmas presents for people, knowing that each item I give to someone will brighten their day, more so on the 25th December when they unwrap it.
It was difficult this year as I am in a long-distance relationship. We decided to have our own Christmas on 21st December since I stopped around his for almost a week and that day was our last full day together of 2018 – I won’t see him until the new year, and I totally missed him during the 25th December. It’s been over a year now since our first date, and it’s coming up to a year since we’ve been official, and it’s been one of the happiest years of my life just because he’s been a part of my life. We just hope that in 2019 we manage to kill off the distance between us and start a beautiful new life together.
As for my family and I, we have our sweet Christmas traditions, with our main one being that we have presents to open up throughout the day. This idea came from my late grandma, who started this tradition back when my mother and my auntie were children. She didn’t like how they would wake up in the morning, unwrap all the presents and then Christmas was, in theory, over with. And so, she separated the presents, the following year, into three different piles; there was a main/morning present – usually the most expensive and most important one, lunchtime present which would be opened during lunchtime (just before or after the Christmas dinner was served up), and then a teatime present which was opened during the evening and usually contained little gifts (a goody bag) or a little something.
As the years continued, my mother and my auntie kept up the tradition and it’s something that my brother and I have enjoyed throughout the years as our Christmas day doesn’t ever stop as we continue to open presents. We also have the spotlight when we’re unwrapping, going around in a circle and opening presents in turn, so we can all watch what gifts people were given and from whom.
It’s just a nice little tradition that my brother and I will certainly carry on. We’ve had quite a chilled Christmas this year since we didn’t really have a Christmas last year due to my father being in the hospital. We had so many plans to make this year a typical Christmas, but we never laid out the table, we had Turkey but didn’t have any of the little traditional Christmas foods, it was quite the lacklustre relaxed Christmas that could’ve been much more but I guess it still wouldn’t be enough for me as I was missing my partner so much, since my brother spent time with his partner and my mom and dad were together. I’m not sure what next year plans would be, but I don’t think I can cope another Christmas away from my partner – or so I say, for now, I may be able to deal, considering we will kill off the distance between us next year.
Also, this year, we watched a few things we had recorded on our YouView box – which we are currently at 4%, so we really need to start watching some stuff, it all ends up mounting up especially since some TV shows get shown every single day, it’s surprising how quickly it can fill up. We started off by watching Krampus which is a Christmas comedy-horror, that we fully enjoyed – I’d totally watch it again. Then we watch Christmas Top Of The Pops – another tradition that we do every year, although no one managed to smash it out of the venue during the show as they all were incredible. Then, we watched Indiana Jones And The Crystal Skull, as we had never seen it before; and, at the end of the night we finished it off with Courtney Act’s Christmas Extravaganza which was certainly a highlight of our Christmas day, I just wished we had seen more of the ABCD queens, as I adore Bianca Del Rio.
We also had a bit of a family night by playing on my Nintendo Switch. I got the whole family playing Mario Kart, but we only have three working joy cons as one of the neon yellow ones I have seems to be faulty as it is temperamental in turning on and connecting to the console – I’ve complained about it today; and so we didn’t play Super Mario Party, which I love to play as it is a great family party game.
That was my Christmas Day. My mom is hoping to serve up a better Christmas meal today, as we had pigs in blankets, Yorkshire puddings, and stuffing all prepared to go out yesterday and they weren’t served up – told you we had a lacklustre Christmas dinner yesterday. I think we were just all really glad that my dad was here with us rather than in the hospital.
We also had a new addition to the family, a border collie puppy that we’ve named Bailey. We previously lost our family dog of 15 years, Harvey, in 2017; he too was a border collie, only he was a tri-colour whereas Bailey is a black and white border collie with a spotted nose. He’s certainly a cute addition to the family even if my pet allergies have flared up again.