Hey there! I hope April has treated you well. My last few blogs have been rather wordy, and probably a little dramatic. So, I’ve decided to change up my blog format this month. For the next couple of weeks, every time it rains I’m going to document whatever is on my mind by writing it here. Since I love adding music to my blogs, I’ll include some my favourite rain-themed songs throughout the post.
I’m a huge fan of the rain. Don’t get me wrong, I love bright and sunny days with blue skies just as much as the next person. But something about the atmosphere that’s created when it’s raining outside makes me calm and reflective, and in a perfect mood to write. So without further ado…
*clap of thunder* Let’s begin!
April 15th
Today I woke up calm and determined, partially because of the weather. It has been dark all morning, the sky anticipating the light rain that just started to fall. It’s the type when you can barely tell it’s raining. You have to get up really close to the window and squint, and then you’re not even sure if your eyes are playing tricks on you.
I woke up earlier than normal, even though I went to bed late. It’s a Saturday, and I had the day off yesterday, but my body is still trained to wake up for school. After checking my phone, I read a book for about half an hour. I can’t remember the last time I read a book in the morning, but now I highly recommend it. I like reading before bed, but this time, the words gradually woke me up instead of making me sleepy. So, I was very calm and chill this morning, which is a nice change.
I have a lot of work to do this weekend, and admittedly a lot of it is last minute or overdue assignments and articles. Last night, I felt overwhelmed and guilty about everything I still had to do, and I went to bed pretty flustered. I’m so glad I woke up feeling calmer and able to tackle everything I need to do. Currently, I’m taking a break from my media studies assignment where I have to analyze a TV commercial. About Barbies. Well, I should probably get back to that. I’m not quite sure how this blog post is going to turn out yet, especially since the forecast for April is looking unusually sunny, and I already missed two weeks of the month. We’ll see how it goes I guess!
The song for today is Dodie’s original song ‘There’s a Storm Coming Tonight’. If you didn’t already know, she’s one of my absolute faves and it was her birthday earlier this week!
April 19th
As I was walking home today, I felt the lightest drizzle of rain about a minute before I walked through the door. My first thought? I can finally blog again! I don’t know if this even counts, but it has been an abnormally dry April so I’ll take what I can get. The last week has been insanely busy and stressful, and after taking a couple of days off on the Easter weekend my work has piled up like never before. I haven’t had as much time to write and I probably won’t until the weekend.
So I’m enjoying this little moment after school when I can write a quick paragraph. The rest of my day will probably be split between studying for my math test and scrambling to finish an overdue photography assignment. Very different tasks, but equally as stressful. Sometimes when I’m so busy like this, it seems like my life is just constantly digging myself out of a hole. As soon as I stop to take a breath, more dirt just comes crashing down. But when you stop to think about it, busy isn’t really a bad thing. Same for rain. MORE RAIN PLEASE.
Since Paramore released their new song ‘Hard Times’ today (and it’s an absolute bop) the rain song of the day is Paramore’s ‘When It Rains’.
April 20th
It’s raining again! I’m currently in my school’s library, supposed to be studying for that math test I mentioned yesterday. I love the library. It has two walls that are made entirely of windows, and you always get the best of whatever is happening outside- rain or shine. I’m sitting at a table by the window and I have the best view of the raindrops streaming down the glass and bouncing back up from the small ledge. It’s pretty loud, even through my headphones and music I can hear the pattern of the droplets bouncing. It’s a pretty calming rain, and even though I still have a pile of work to do, I feel a bit calmer myself. I don’t really have much to say today, so I’ll keep it short.
Today’s song is ‘The Rain’ by Oh Wonder. It just came on shuffle and it’s really helping calm my mood.
April 24th
Ok… I’m totally cheating today. It was obscenely sunny all day; blue skies with not a cloud in sight. There hasn’t been a drop of rain since my last entry, and I’m beginning to worry that the idea for this blog post was a bit of a flop. April has completely betrayed me with its lack of rain, and on top of that, I haven’t really had much to say this month. Like I’ve said in my past few entries, I’ve just been snowed under with work and slowed down by my procrastination. But I’m working through everything at my own pace, and I think I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m in a surprisingly good mood today given that I found out I have exactly one month to complete 9 assignments in my media class. *insert upside down smiley face here*
So, if I mysteriously disappear during May, you’ll know what I’m doing. But on a side note, I’m actually really looking forward to May, apart from the media assignment avalanche. I just jotted down a list of ideas for both CelebMix and Fuzzable to post in May, and I’m excited about all of them (no spoilers though!). Also, my one year anniversary at CelebMix will be in May, as well as the second birthday of the site itself! Lots of exciting times ahead.
Aside from writing, my school tennis team starts up in May, and that’s always a blast. And I can’t wait for the winter chill to go away for good and finally be able to step outside without a jacket. May always seems to be a busy but cheery month. If it goes well this time around, it may (no pun intended) be a strong contender with October for my favourite month of the year.
So that’s all that has been on my mind. I’m glad that I decided to cheat and write an entry today. There are two more days of rain in the forecast (the 25th and the 27th) so this will probably end up being a last minute post- but I’m ok with that.
Even though it’s not raining, I have the perfect song for today. It’s from the Undertale soundtrack (which is a masterpiece, by the way) and it’s called ‘It’s Raining Somewhere Else’. It probably is, and it’s strangely comforting to think about.
April 25th
It rained earlier today while I was waiting for the bus, but right now it’s pitch black outside, way too dark to see what the sky is doing. Today was a bit of a rollercoaster. I started off really motivated, procrastinated for a bit, and then finished the day strong. I made a plan for the rest of the month, which basically involves me getting my life together before May so I can thoroughly enjoy all the exciting things I mentioned yesterday. It’s shaping up to be a busy few days, so I hope I can pull through.
On a side note, here’s a random thought/fact that I’m going to share today, related to my procrastination in the middle of the day.
In the past year or so, I’ve realized that I’m definitely not an afternoon person. I’m not particularly a morning or night person either, which might explain why I never get any work done. But if I need to do work that requires brain power, it either has to be first thing in the morning or in the evening. I have what I call “a reoccurring afternoon slump”, which basically means from 1 pm to 5 pm I lose most of the motivation I had in the morning and the night before.
I’ve actually been getting better at planning around it when I can, as well as trying to use it to my advantage. I might go for a walk or take a shower in hopes that I spark some inspiration while not completely wasting my time. I’m really curious if anyone else experiences this, or maybe you get a morning or evening slump. Do let me know!
Today’s rain song is ‘Acid Rain’ by Cimorelli. This song is beautifully written, and the video is artistic and dramatic- just the way I like it.
April 27th
The rain literally started 10 minutes ago, so it’s the perfect time to wrap up this blog. This storm is probably the best rain of the month so far. It’s only 6:30 pm, but the sky is dark and gloomy, and the rain is coming down steadily- and there was literally just a flash of lightning. The thunder is rumbling low in the background, and I can hear the faint pattern of the droplets on my roof. Like I explained at the start of this post, this kind of weather just puts me in a good mood for some reason. I’m motivated to write and even do homework, and most of the anxiety and stress from my day has melted away. Today I’m just going to reflect on how writing this blog post has been.
I’m actually not used to finishing my Fuzzable blogs at the last minute, contrary to what you might think after reading about my procrastination issues in the past five entries. I usually start writing my blog at the beginning of the month, add to it throughout the month, and have it finished at least a week before the 27th. Because of the lack of rain and the fact that I started a couple weeks into the month, I had to fit in one last-minute entry today. But this new format was a fun experiment! I really enjoyed trying an even more laid back style of writing, and just talking about whatever was on my mind each day.
It was nice to try out this different format, but I’ve decided that I’m probably not going to do it again for a while. Or if I do, I’m going to pick a concept that doesn’t depend on Mother Nature’s unpredictable mood swings. I’ve already started to write my blog post for May and I’m super excited about it, so check back in a month to read it!
To conclude this blog post, we have my favourite rain-themed song from my favourite girl group- Little Mix with ‘Lightning’. This song is just so epic sounding! They literally sing in Latin at one point. Queens.
And… I just have to include one more bonus song. It was actually just released today, and it’s very relevant to what’s happening outside my window right now, so here’s ‘Thunder’ by Imagine Dragons.
See you same day, next month!
-Annemarie (#27)
Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us on Twitter @Fuzzable. Or, tweet me your favourite rain-inspired songs @rietherie.