Louise Pentland

EXCLUSIVE: Louise Pentland discusses latest book “MumLife”

YouTuber, social media influencer and author Louise Pentland has recently released her latest book “MumLife: What Nobody Ever Tells You About Being a Mum”, which details her role as a mother to two young children, as well as the struggles she has faced along the way.

With the new release, Louise hopes to inspire many others who have dealt with similar experiences, as well as provide advice to fellow mums.

Here at Fuzzable, we got to talk to Louise Pentland herself to find out more about the book, the inspiration behind it, and what it has been like to release it in such a challenging year for many.

The front cover of "MumLife: What Nobody Ever Tells You About Being a Mum"

Hi Louise! How does it feel to finally release “MumLife”?

“Scary, amazing, a relief… a lot of feelings involved with this one! I loved writing the fictional Robin Wilde books, but MumLife is another kettle of fish altogether. It’s a non-fiction and I’ve really, really laid it all out on the table so it’s a mixed bag of emotions to finally have it out in the public domain.”

What inspired you to write this book?

“Originally, I thought this book was going to be very gentle and fluffy. I had finished the Wilde series and said to my publishers ‘I’m not sure I have another fiction ready.’ So we came up with the idea of a light motherhood book.

 “The more I delved into it, the more I realised that to write about the kind of mother I am, I need to write about MY experiences, because naturally these things shaped me as a mother. So, I ended up just pouring it allllll out!”

What’s it been like to release “MumLife” in the midst of a challenging year for many?

“It has been the weirdest year hasn’t it? In terms of releasing the book, obviously we wanted to have a big launch event and celebrate with everyone who helped bring it together, and I’m sure there would have been a lot more ‘in-person activity’ but actually, the time in lockdown really gave me time to reflect on everything in the book, and I suppose it’s given more people a chance to read it, which is good!”

In “MumLife”, you’re very open about some of the struggles you faced along the way, such as abuse, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and the loss of your own mum from cancer. Do you think discussing these experiences will help inspire others who have been through similar situations?

“Absolutely – that’s the main reason I wanted this book out there. I’m a strong advocate for charities like NSPCC/Childline – in fact, 100% of my royalties from this book are going to the NSPCC. I’ve also included helpline contact details for both in the book.

“I really wanted to provide not just hope, but solutions as well. I’ve had so many people reach out to me, and not just mothers. People have said they’ve gone through similar things or that they’ve taken strength from reading that somebody else has survived those experiences which means everything to me.” 

Louise Pentland

How does the book aim to help other mothers and the issues they may face along the way as they bring up their child(ren)?

“I think I’ve covered quite a broad range of topics on the parenting spectrum – from a traumatic birth (fair warning, it’s graphic), single parenting, dating as a single mother (fair warning, it’s hilarious), post-natal depression, loneliness, but also the sheer and utter joy of being a mother to two amazing girls.  

“I wanted to put down in writing what it’s really like to experience all of these things, and let people know that it’s ok not to have it together 24/7- I certainly don’t!”

As well as being a mum to two daughters, you’re also a successful YouTuber, author and social media influencer. How have you juggled your career and motherhood?

“Let me tell you – the juggle struggle is real and most of the time I’m just winging it! I make a lot of lists (don’t always tick everything off) and I’ve put systems in place to help things work.

“One of those is having great childcare. Darcy is in school full time and Pearl has a Nanny four days a week, so I try to squeeze writing, filming and editing into the times they are at school or with the Nanny and then I can be a happy mummy when I have them. There’s no shame in accepting you need help and accepting it – it takes a village.”

What have been some of the difficulties of being a mother and raising your daughters during the lockdown?

“There have definitely been ups and downs. The good thing for me is that I’m used to working from home with children around me all day, so lockdown meant I could carry on working. It’s also been a time where a lot of people are looking for inspiration, comfort and reassurance, so it’s been lovely seeing newer faces join my online community.

 “The negative has been that just like lots of other people, it’s been quite tricky to ‘do it all’. Home-schooling my nine-year-old, entertaining my two-year-old and keeping work going has definitely been a challenge.”

Louise Pentland

Has the lockdown proved to beneficial to your career in any way?

“Mmm I wouldn’t say it’s been beneficial. Lot of projects have been paused or cancelled and a lot of the things I love to do in my job fall into the ‘lots of people in one room’ category so we can’t do those! What has been nice though is that I’ve been dashing about a lot less and have more time to really engage with the lovely ladies who take the time to follow me and message. I feel like I’ve gotten to know everyone on a deeper level and our community is stronger than ever.”

This is your fifth book to date. Would you ever consider writing another one in the future?

“I’ve actually already started… I’m writing a stand-alone fiction this time which once again, is new territory but I’m very excited about it.”

What other plans do you have for the near future and 2021 as we hope to return to some form of normality?

“I think if this year has taught me anything, it’s to really live in the moment and appreciate what I have. It looks like it might still be a little while before we return to any form of ‘normality’, so I’m going to continue to enjoy the precious time I have with my family, crack on with writing and vlogging and take each day as it comes.”

Do you have any additional advice that you would like to give to new mums?

“Hang in there! Especially if you’re a single mum – you’re definitely doing better than you think. In my life, I’ve always found other mums have helped me a lot, as well as friends, nice neighbours and family members. There’s also a whole community online with so much support to offer. Sometimes I just search a hashtag like #bedtimehack, and I’ll find loads of tips other mums have shared which are invaluable.”

Louise Pentland

Finally, do you have anything to say to your supporters?

“My supporters are honestly like no others – especially those who have been with me since the beginning. We’ve been on a real journey together and I think that’s pretty special. I want to thank everyone who has sent me messages of support for the book. I try my best to respond to as many as I can and I appreciate you all dearly. Air hugs (they’ll get it) xxx.”

We also want to thank Louise for taking the time out to chat to us!

“MumLife: What Nobody Ever Tells You About Being a Mum”, the latest book by Louise Pentland is out now, priced at £14.99.

Will you be buying the new Louise Pentland book? Do you already own a copy? Let us know over on Twitter @Fuzzable!

Written by Isla Williams

Writer with a passion for pop culture - you can also catch my words in Metro.co.uk and CelebMix (and sometimes my own blog).

PR inquires go to islarhiannonwilliams@gmail.com.

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