Daisie is the new app you need to know about – especially for creative people.
Launched at the beginning of August, the app is cofounded by Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams and Dom Santry. Daisie is all about connecting creatives – from filmmakers to writers – to each other. It’s an opportunity to share one’s projects and ventures and interact with other people interested in similar fields.
The app has six major industries: photography, music, film, art, fashion, and literature. The user can select which industries they are interested in. Users can then follow people within those fields, creating “chains” when the users follow each other. People can “bump” posts if they like them.
The app will also feature QTs, or Question Times, where creatives who have made it will come on the app and talk about their careers and how they made it. Users will be able to submit questions for the creative to answer.
Overall, daisie seems like a great new app perfect for creative people. You can download it for iPhones here.
What do you think of the Daisie? Let us know down in the comments or over on Twitter!