Crush Alert
Crush Alert

Crush Alert: Wallows

Welcome to Fuzzable’s crush alerts. A section of our site where we bring you the hottest celebrities and influencers. We just love taking setting some time aside in our day to recognize and reminisce on our celebrity crushes. And today we won’t let you down — we’re talking about the hottest indie rock band around, Wallows!

Who are Wallows and why do we have a crush on them?

Wallows are an indie rock band based out of Los Angeles and they’ve been making music for well over a decade. From being called Feaver and The Narwhals, Wallows have released one EP, six singles over the course of their lifetimes). And their debut album, Nothing Happens, is set for release March 22.

Wallows manage to paint a wonderfully chaotic image for themselves — their mix of post-grunge guitar riffs, Beatles-esque rhythms, and modern indie fashion allow for Wallows to exemplify the crash of aesthetics of their own listeners. And none of their songs sound similar to each other — their range of sounds and lyrical compositions all exemplify their individual and collective music influences.

And think some of them look familiar? Dylan and Braeden are actors in their own right — they appear on 13 Reasons Why and T@gged, respectively. And if you happen to attend or be an alum of USC, then you and Cole have something in common.

Here’s some proof of Wallows being absolutely crush-worthy.

via @colepressston on Instagram
Cole Preston
via @dylanminnette on Instagram
via @braedenlemasters on Instagram

via @Wallowsmusic on Instagram

Wallows are crush-worthy by simply existing — their unique take on the genre make them serious contenders for the top spots in the scene. Although they’re each individually talented, Wallows are definitely going to be a band no one can stop talking about. They’re all absolutely crush-worthy individually, so we can’t even describe what they’re like as a group.

Check out Wallows killing it on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon:

Look at those talented, crush-worthy individuals go! (Also, make sure you pre-order and pre-save their upcoming debut album, Nothing Happens, here).

How to keep up to date with Wallows.

Band: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube

Dylan: Twitter, Instagram

Braeden: Twitter, Instagram

Cole: Twitter, Instagram

And make sure you follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Spotify for all kinds of fun, exciting updates!

Written by gloria

All views, thoughts and opinions are my own. Find me on twitter @gloriamargy7 or email me at

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