Chad Dean’s Incredible Journey in words!

If you’re anything like us, your slightly addicted to medical T.V shows, from dodgy plastic surgery being redone to people being too ashamed to go to their GP about weird issues so decide to get their concerns looked at on national TV. One of our all-time favourite ‘binge’ watches is TLC’s my 600LB Life. We’re slightly in love with looking at the phsycology of becoming an excessive eater and then seeing the ridiculously inspiring transformation at the end of the show. One of the show’s biggest (well now smallest) success’s was season 4’s Chad Dean.

Chad was able to start his incredible weight-loss journey with the help of My 600lb Life and lose huge amounts of weight with the help of Dr Now, but that was just the start of the weight-loss journey, but what we’ve all wanted is a deeper look into how Chad became 600lb and what happened after. Well lucky for us, now we get these answers.

I’m In Here Somewhere: Memoir of a Food Addict
Chad Dean’s Story – As told to and written by Celeste Prater is everything you could have ever wanted or needed as an extension from the show. Chad along with author Celeste take a look back at every up and down before the show, from childhood and marriage and everything in between.

We’ve been lucky enough to gain a sneak preview of the book.

Excuses. That should’ve been my middle name.
HOLD UP! You felt it, didn’t you? That microsecond recoil, or derisive eye-roll, toward a silly
little word urging you to put this book down and walk away. Why is that, do you think?
Here’s my stab at a theory: Because this one of many, many words in our vocabulary is
excruciatingly POWERFUL. In fact, I believe the word “Excuses” is so potent that it can
trigger an unconscious guilt and blossom into a lie so fast it’ll make your head spin.
Ugh! The blinding truth hurts sometimes. We cry foul when others lie to us—even ending
friendships for the smallest infraction. Yet, we elaborately mask the ones we tell ourselves so
very easily.

Maybe some of these lies below might sound familiar to you. Either one or more spilled out of
your own mouth at one time, or you know of someone that has become prolific in the game of
LIE: I’m big-boned, so I carry the weight differently.
 TRUTH: You have no bones in your butt or gut. Got it?
LIE: When I eat something sweet, I cancel it out by drinking diet-cola instead of regular.
 TRUTH: You have obviously developed a new “happy math.” How’s that working
out for you? Artificial sweetener actually increases sugar cravings. Look it up.
LIE: I want to exercise, but I’m always tired.
 TRUTH: You’re carrying forty pounds more weight than your frame intended—put
there by none other than yours truly. No one else. Yep. Four, ten-pound bowling balls
of extra baggage. Duh. You’re going to be tired. Think how hard it’s going to be after
ten more.
LIE: My job doesn’t allow me time to work out or eat right.
 TRUTH: So, if I understand that line of reasoning, you work a solid 24-7 in a
sedentary position and are not allowed to pack your lunch. You’re stuck having to
order fast-food takeout delivered right to your desk or vehicle. Really? Not even a
thirty-minute break? Unless it pays a million an hour, I’d quit that job. Seriously.
LIE: I bought a stationary bicycle. I can exercise and watch TV at the same time. Win-win.
 TRUTH: Go ahead. Glance over to the corner and try to remember when that dusty
hunk of metal became a new way to hang clothes or prop your feet.
LIE: I found a new workout CD, and it only takes twenty minutes. So excited to start it in the
 TRUTH: You hit the snooze button three times, snuggled into your warm pillow, and
promised that tomorrow will be the “New Start” to being healthy. Mondays suck and
weekends are off limits. Everyone knows that. Hmm…
LIE: Something urgent came up so I can’t walk with you tonight. I’ll go with you tomorrow.

 TRUTH: Your favorite show was on. Bad friend. Bad.
LIE: I ate a salad at lunch, so it’s okay to have ice cream after dinner.
 TRUTH: Really? A little forgetful on the adjectives, aren’t we? It was a taco salad
loaded with cheese and sour cream…and you ate the outside crispy bowl.
LIE: I’ll start working out after the holidays (my favorite).
 TRUTH: Christmas comes SO fast after Thanksgiving. Amazing, isn’t it? Chocolate-
filled Valentine’s Day zips up immediately after that fierce New Year’s resolution has
barely left your mouth. Hell, when you think about it. Every day’s a holiday feast
when you have beckoning brownies, soda, candy, burgers, pizza, and cupcakes
floating across TV screens or sitting on paper plates at the office party—tempting,
smelling so good, beautifully wrapped, and begging me to…wait. I digress. Let’s not
forget why I’m here…

I’m In Here Somewhere is more than just a memoir, but an inspirational read, whatever your daemons or addictions, Chad’s journey will relate to many.

I’m In Here Somewhere: Memoir of a Food Addict Chad Dean’s Story is available now to purchase from Print Book | AmazonKOBO  | GOOGLE PLAY  | ITUNES

We can’t wait to pick up our own copy!

Make sure you stay up to date with the latest in book news and reviews by following us on Twitter and Instagram.

Written by Niki

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