Organisation in 2017: Bullet Journaling

Throughout 2016 I toyed at the idea of Bullet Journaling. Firstly I discovered the craze after scouring through Pinterest in an attempt to find ways to make my studying and organisation more productive. After delving deeper into the world of planning and watching numerous videos of ‘layouts’, I was immensely drawn to the craze. Bullet Journaling combines simple organisational planning with an artistic and creative flair, allowing you to design your plan in a way appropriate for you.

What is Bullet Journaling?

Bullet Journaling combines the traditional to-do list with the never-ending creativity an individual possesses. Take the boring lists of mundane chores you scribble onto the back of a leaflet and pair them with illustrations and a simple key to make a beautiful personalised diary.

Getting Started:

The Notebook

To get started, you’ll need a journal or notebook! You can purchase the official Bullet Journal here or find a range of alternatives discussed here.

Although it can be alluring to go and purchase a beautiful, expensive notebook, you may want to start with a cheaper version whilst you discover your footsteps!

I recommend using an unruled book but if you need some guidance to stop your writing going skew-whiff, try dotted rules instead.

Layout and Design Inspiration


Widely regarded as the holy grail for design inspiration, you’ll find more ideas than books in a bookshop. Try searching for Bullet Journal LayoutsIllustrated banners, BuJo and Planner ideas to set you on your way!


You can easily find BuJo ideas on YouTube by simply searching. Some of my favourite channels include BohoBerryPalestBlue and Carrie Crista.


I find most of my ideas for simple, quirky illustrations and banner ideas on Instagram. Many users also post short videos showing how to achieve the design and allow for an easy and effective lesson!

10 Ideas for your starting layout

One of the major positives of BuJo is that you really can tailor your pages to suit your needs. Some of the following ideas are the most used within the community, and examples can be found simply if you need a helping hand!

  1. Index
  2. Yearly calendar
  3. Future log
  4. Monthly log
  5. Weekly layout / Day layout – dependent on your schedule and page size, either plan a day per page, per spread, or a week per spread
  6. 2017 goals
  7. Sleep log
  8. Habit tracker
  9. ‘Level 10 life’
  10. Bucket list- movies, places, books

Follow my journey of 2017 as we explore the world of Bullet Journaling together! Each month I’ll share my layout plans, and post mini-blogs throughout the week with tips and tricks! For the most part, BuJo-ing is an expression of creativity and organisation- have fun whilst doing it!

Make sure to follow us on Twitter @Fuzzable and share your BuJo journey!

Written by Enya

You'll probably find me in a bookshop
Contact: @enya_savage on Twitter

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