Advice: Break Down Your New Year’s Resolutions!

Christmas has past, and New Year’s Eve is on the horizon, which must mean one thing: it’s time to create our list of resolutions for 2019. You know the ones – we draft all of the things we hope to do or improve in the next year and, as it goes, we rarely stick to them. However, as we reflect on our own adventures – or misadventures – with resolutions, we come to one conclusion: it’s time to break them down.

Before you can break resolutions down, you must select which ones you want to work on in the next year. There are a million things you can do or improve in a year, but if your list is too long, you are increasingly less likely to work toward and then subsequently achieve your goals. A year is only so long, so choose a couple goals to work toward, because following years will be there for your other goals.

If we’re being completely honest, we are also those people that say their resolutions on New Year’s Eve and even the first week of January but then either forget about them or simply give up on them. However, now that you’ve chosen your end goals for 2019, you can break them down into smaller goals that will help you achieve them – and your 2018 New Year’s Eve won’t be in vain!

Breaking your resolutions down into smaller, more tangible tasks will allow you to fully comprehend your goal and what it will take to get there. This will also help you understand each individual step in the process, which will keep you focused throughout the year. You’re going to be a lot less likely to give up if you fully understand the goal and everything you need to do to achieve it.

Losing weight/getting fit is probably the most popular resolution each year, but most people quickly give up because it is hard and most often takes time to see results. Using this as an example, we will break it down to show how much this can help.

First, consider what you need to do to lose weight. Are you cutting back on calories? Are you going to the gym for the first time or increasing how often you go? Write all of this down, and plan when each step will be implemented. Perhaps you decide to start going to the gym once or twice per week. After you’ve done that, you may decide to cut certain foods back. Then, you may decide to go to the gym three or four times a week while cutting out other foods. This process is still daunting, but if you map it out completely, you will likely feel much better about it and be more likely to succeed.

This process can apply to any resolution, though. If you want to have a certain amount of money saved by the end of the next year, map out how much money you are going to put away and when you will be putting it away. Then, keep yourself accountable throughout the year.

After completely mapping out your resolutions, the next step is just preparing your psyche for hard work, determination, and perseverance. You can ultimately do whatever you set your mind to, and we hope this small piece of advice is helpful even in the slightest!

What are your resolutions for the new year? How will you achieve them? Comment below and tweet us @Fuzzable with all of your excitement for 2019!

Written by Preston Smith

capricorn, coffee addict, cat owner

twitter & instagram: @psm_writes

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