Turtles All the Way Down

Book Review: Turtles All the Way Down

Being a teenager isn’t easy and John Green understands that in his new book, “Turtles All the Way Down.” John takes you on a roller coaster of emotions in the form of the two main characters, Aza and Davis.

Aza and Davis are two teenagers with very different lives who come together to form what we think is the best OTP of 2017. But you can’t just take our word for it, you NEED to read this story. (We also want a TATWD sequel, because come on John, you can’t leave us with a cliffhanger like that. But we are also a spoiler-free zone here so you’ll have to read the book to find out what the cliffhanger is.)

Anxiety is a hard thing to write in words, but John does a fantastic job capturing Aza’s anxiety throughout the whole story. It never feels fake or overexaggerated. We relate to Aza and her high-functioning anxiety.

All of the characters in the story feel like they are real people from the way Daisy writes fan-fiction to the way Davis feels about his father. While reading this story, we connected with the characters because they felt like real people.

Throughout the story, you really felt the characters develop, but they still kept you guessing. Daisy was a character who kept us on our toes while reading.

But by far, our favorite part of the story was the plot line. The plot didn’t feel like a cliche YA story. (We’re trying to stay spoiler free here.) This wasn’t a story that was just thrown together, you can tell that John took the time to make sure his story didn’t have any plot holes and you could really imagine the places he was describing.

Despite this fantastic story, we were a little frustrated by the ending of the story. WHAT HAPPENS TO AZA AND DAVIS’ LOVE STORY?!? DO THEY MEET AGAIN?!? IS OUR OTP OVER?!? Honestly, we just need answers.

We truly believe that this is a story for everyone, adults or teenagers. Everyone can relate to this story and find a little part of themselves in each character.

If we had to give it a rating, we would give it a 9/10. We took away a point because we want to know if our OTP is over or not.


We absolutely love this book and we want to read it again. You can buy TATWD on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Target, and most bookstores close to you.

If you have read TATWD and think we missed something in this review, tweet us at @Fuzzable and let us know! Also, let us know if you plan on reading TATWD!

Written by Grace Bong

You will usually find me at concerts watching my favorite bands.
Twitter: @GraceBong00
Instagram: @GraceBong00
Snapchat: @gmbong00
Email: gracebongpr@gmail.com

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