Book Review: Sea Witch Rising by Sarah Henning

“The Sea Witch Rising” is the long-awaited sequel to Sarah Henning’s “Sea Witch”. To give a review on this amazing re-telling isn’t easy without giving too much away. But, we’ll try our best.

The Sea Witch Rising by Henning is the kind of book you will read with two urges to fight at once.You want to read it as quickly as possible and at the same time, pick an excuse to read it later because you simply don’t want to finish it too soon.


The sequel of Sea Witch starts off where the first book ended; the little mermaid, Alia, gives her voice to Evie, the sea witch.In exchange to get her legs and three days to make the prince she loves or she thinks so, to love her in return. Having special abilities and magic as a daughter of the sea king, her twin sister, Runa, gives up her tail as well.

She needs Alia to succeed and make human prince fall in love with her. Otherwise, Runa is going to lose her twin sister to the sea, as she’d turn into sea foam. To protect her sister, Runa gives up her tail for good and choose to live as human forever.

We also find out how war in the world of humans, the sea king’s fury and Evie’s hope to secure the balance of both the worlds is somehow bound to the twins Alia and Runa and their sisters. This ‘balance’ between the worlds beneath the surface and the human is a center point in the story.

The more anger the sea king spreads and shares with his people, Runa and her new friends on land see and feel the consequences just as much.

As the catchphrase says, “sisterhood is the strongest magic”, the love of Runa for her mermaid- sisters and her will to give up everything she loves, to be a mermaid, is one of the reasons in some way for Evie’s plan to stop the sea king and also to rescue her hometown on land – the kingdom of Havenstad.

In the Sea Witch – sequel, we follow both main characters’ point of views – Runa on land and Evie beneath the surface.

The reason why it is a true page-turner is the simple fact that Sarah Henning stayed true to some of the original plot points of the Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen.

She showed in the first book how Evie became who we know as Ursula and adapted this concept to show off what happens to the little mermaid and how her decision to give up her tail and voice affects her father’s kingdom, her family and first and foremost, her twin sister.

There is a lot of action, magic and so many surprises. Love, action, heartache and friendship in the most amazing and also most unexpected ways and situations. I absolutely love it and even though I just finished it, “Sea Which” and “Sea Witch Rising” got a place on my re-reading list.

Which is your favourite retelling
Head over to @Fuzzable and share your recommendation for all the book lovers all around.

Written by Vanessa

I love writing, music, especially concerts and books!
In my spare time you will find me at my favourite bookstore checking on all the new releases, at a coffee shop reading or writing my own little bits and pieces. In that time, I mostly listen to my favourite songs by McFly, 5 Seconds Of Summer, One Direction, Ed Sheeran, Green Day, The Rolling Stones or the Beatles.
And I LOVE to wear something with stripes and polka dots!

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