It’s fair to say that pregnancy hasn’t been the joyous journey that Clara anticipated. Extreme morning sickness, swollen ankles and crude cravings have plagued her for months and now that she has gone over her due date, she is desperate to get this baby out of her. With a lovely new home in the leafy, affluent village of Spring Oak, Clara and Oliver are ready to start this new chapter in their lives. The cot has been bought, the nursery has been decorated and a name has been chosen. All that is missing, is the baby himself. As Lianna is enjoying new found success with her interior design firm, Periwinkle, Clara turns to the woman of the village for company. The once inseparable duo find themselves at different points in their lives and for the first time in their friendship, the cracks start to show. Will motherhood turn out to be everything that Clara ever dreamed of? Which naughty neighbour has a sizzling secret that so desperately wants to keep hidden? Laugh, smile and cry with Clara as she embarks on her journey to motherhood. A journey that has some unexpected bumps along the way. Bumps that she never expected…
I’m back with another book from the Clara series! This one is definitely the book where we see Clara and Oliver’s life change completely as Noah Morgan is almost ready to be welcomed in to the world. As well as preparing for a little one, Clara and Oliver decide to change their living arrangements so its more suited for a family, which is something the readers also have to adapt too, as we’re so used to seeing them in the bustling streets of London – now they’re living in the calm and quiet streets of Spring Oak.
Spring Oak really does sound like such a lovely place to live, however, there’s more snobby women there than Clara has ever had to face and she somehow has to make these her new set of friends. She also has to dig deep in to the lives of her fabulous neighbour, Eve, as her new friends have made it very clear she is not one to be associated with. Lianna and Eve become very close friends, leaving Clara to feel like her best friend doesn’t want her anymore, as they’re in such different places in their lives.
Not only does she have new and old friends to deal with, her wonderful mother in-law, Janie, makes an appearance as soon as her grandchild arrives. It’s safe to say that Janie is not the most maternal grandmother in the world, yet I have to give it to her, she definitely does try. On top of Janie, her own parents come to help with the new arrival and as much as they can be the biggest pains, Clara is lucky to have them around when Oliver isn’t.
This book I would say, is the most mundane book of the entire series as it focuses on every day life and how chaotic it can really be. Lacey doesn’t try to make Clara’s pregnancy easy, like these Instagram mum’s who look like they have the most angelic babies in the world, she shows Clara learning how to cope with being a mum; swollen ankles, changing dirty nappies, being thrown up on and getting hardly any sleep. Lacey also shows that life isn’t all that great for the other characters too, each of them having their own issues and each of them not being dealt with in the best way.
This book was absolutely lovely to read and I loved the epilogue at the end, introducing us slightly to book 6. What was most exciting though is having this new little member and being able to now read all about how little Noah turns out as the books go on! This book may have made me a little broody but gosh I just feel like I’m actually in these books with Clara and not many books are able to do that!
Purchase the book here.
Have you read ‘Meet Baby Morgan’ by Lacey London? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or tweet us over at @Fuzzable!