Years ago in my physics class I had learnt a law- “Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but it can be transferred to different mediums”. It was then a simple equation; but today through interest has become knowledge about psychic energy. Psychic energy works pretty much like all other forms except that they can communicate too. A book in case is- Bhangarh to Bedlam: Haunted Encounters by Deepta Roy Chakraverti. It is a collection of twelve first hand narratives of psychic encounters by the author.

From ruined fortresses, temples, shrines, famous walkways, to simple objects like a bell or a chalice, all emit energies which contain in itself tales or revelations of the past. It is often said that the body turns to dust; but the soul lingers on. This soul passes through various dimensions – cleansing and purifying itself. But in the process, it tries to communicate – tell its stories, history, tales of injustice, devotion and revenge -to those who can hear.
This communication is often misunderstood as eerie , spooky or even dangerous (some are but not all). One spends so much time in feeling scared that one forgets to understand the meanings behind these communications. At times, one listens but forgets to register them. Many times, these communications are simply passed off as bad dreams. But are they really dreams?
The author is one of the few, who have actually tried to listen to these stories and document them. She tries to step into their shoes and understand their circumstances for being labelled as the ‘undead’. She has documented their lives, stories, miseries, injustices in a way no one has ever been able to. Thus, the tagline “Spirits have stories to tell, one must know how to listen” is quite apt for the narration of the incidents within.
Trying to be as discreet as possible I would now write about my most favourite chapter – ” The Night of Soul Bell” . This is set against an atmosphere of chilly pre-Christmas enjoyment in London when a figure in a deserted street gives a calling to the author . Oh wait! The figure happens to be from one of the dreadful crime pages of history showing glimpses of her undead presence.
With more such stories to chill your bone, the Bhangarh to Bedlam: Haunted Encounters is an unputdownable read. Backed with various psychic and scientific theories and extensive research, the encounters bring together the world of scientific explanation and paranormal suggestions. If you love to read about the supernatural, then this is a book that would suit your genre.
The author, Deepta Roy Chakraverti has been exposed to psychic observations from a very young age. A lawyer by profession, she is also the General Secretary of the Wiccan Brigade and frequently undertakes psychic explorations. Bhangrah to Bedlam : Haunted Encounters is her debut book. She is currently working on her second book. If you have any feedback regarding the book you can write to her directly at