An Improbable Pairing by Gary Dickson is a historical romance which explores a young man’s coming of age, set in the 1960s Paris, Geneva, Gstaad, and Cannes, provides an insider’s peek into the worlds of haute couture, three-star gourmet restaurants, and lavish hotel suites.
In September of 1963, Scott Stoddard, an American graduate student, is travelling to Switzerland, when he meets the Countess de Rovere, a French divorcee; he falls in love, and she is intrigued. What begins as a little flirtation soon becomes a serious love affair, much to the upset of the Countess’s ex-husband and mother, not to mention the Countess’s friends of European high society. something’ss got to give. It won’t be the countess. As their liaison transcends an affair that cannot be dismissed, they all agree that something must be done.
An Improbable Pairing is slightly different from other historical romances out there. As it’s the female protagonist that has the wealth and not the male. It highlighted how sometimes love can struggle. The writer went into great detail and really made you feel why their relationship shouldn’t work. The first half of the story admittedly is hard to engage with. But the latter half really picks up and it becomes an enjoyable read. The cover of the book is absolutely stunning.
If you want a read that takes you away for a few hours and lets you escape for a bit. It’s one of those books you sit in the bath and read with a glass of something nice after a hard day.
You can purchase an Improbable Pairing here.
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