So, April and May so far haven’t been great. Between dropping out of university and being ill for the past two weeks, things aren’t going wonderfully but sometimes that’s life I suppose.
But enough of the bad stuff. Something great happened in April and it was in the form of Avengers: Infinity War. Now, as it’s one of the biggest movies of all time, I’m sure you’ve all heard of Infinity War. Well, I went to a midnight premiere and it was one of the most exciting experiences. I loved being around so many Marvel fans seeing a movie we’ve been waiting for for years! I’ve seen it four times since then and I pick something new up every time I go.
I’ve been a huge fan of the MCU since 2008 when The Incredible Hulk came out. I then stopped watching them until Captain America: The First Avenger came out, which is a movie that changed my life. I just absolutely fell in love with it and with Steve Rogers – who is still my favourite character now. After that, I went home and watched all of the movies so far and now here I am, going absolutely stir crazy every night thinking about what is going to happen in Avengers 4.
And, it got me thinking, why do I care so much? Well, it’s simple. These movies give me such a huge escape from the real world, from the crap that’s been happening lately. They’ve always, since 2011, given me a sense of hope and purpose that I’ve never felt before. I love all of these characters so much and they’ve helped me through so many hard times that I care so much about what happens next. Some people may think it’s stupid but I wouldn’t be the person I am today without these characters, they constantly make me happy, every time I think about these characters I’m smiling. They constantly make me feel like there’s still hope in the world and that I have a purpose.
I cannot put into words how much I love Marvel and the universe they’ve created. How much I love these characters and how much they’ve done for me as a person. All I’ve done recently is lie in bed rewatching all of the Marvel movies and I’m just in this state of happiness that I thought was so far away because of how ill I’ve been.
These movies truly are incredible. And I know that they aren’t for everyone and that’s okay but they mean the world to me and that’s okay too. I love Marvel and I’m so grateful for everything they’ve done for me and so many people around the world. I cannot wait to see what happens next and what the upcoming releases have in store for us.