Animal Crossing
Photo Credits: Nintendo

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Summer Update Is Coming Soon

Gamers, if you’ve been craving an Animal Crossing: New Horizons update, I have good news for you. On Thursday, June 25, Nintendo announced some big changes are coming to the platform that will correlate with the summer season. From new shells and sea creatures to collect to new characters to meet, the additions will give users a whole new AC gaming experience they’ve never seen before. Luckily, fans won’t have to wait long for it because the Animal Crossing: New Horizons summer update will be here in just a few days.

Nintendo made the announcement by releasing a trailer through the official Animal Crossing Twitter page that revealed the free update will arrive on Friday, July 3. For the first time ever, gamers will be able to swim and dive into the ocean, where they’ll see all-new sea creatures and shells, which they can add to their collection in the museum. Additionally, while they’re swimming, they may encounter a new character named Pascal, who will be interested in taking their ocean findings. Users who give him something will get something amazing in return. There will also be a new encounter regarding Gulliver, who is always showing up stranded on users’ islands. Finally, if fans have been wanting new DIYs, they’ll be happy to hear there will be a new mermaid-inspired collection that will come with so many new furniture items. To go along with the update, users can also purchase wet suits at Nook’s Cranny. There will be different designs each day, so make sure to check the store frequently to collect them all.

Watch the trailer for the summer update below.

You can also see pictures of the new additions below.

The best part is, this summer update is only Wave 1, which means there will be plenty more updates coming very soon. According to the trailer, the second update will come sometime in August, so fans of the game should look forward to it in the coming weeks.

For more Animal Crossing content, check out our articles about 10 celebrities who love Animal Crossing, the best AC memes, and the game’s six brand-new features. Also, in case you’re looking for more video game recommendations, check out the top five Mario games we recommend for the Nintendo Switch, as well as our review of Final Fantasy XV.

Have you played Animal Crossing: New Horizons yet? Let us know by tweeting us at @Fuzzable!

Written by Michele

My name is Michele Mendez and I am a student at Temple University studying Media Studies and Production. Have a story idea? Contact me: TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, & FACEBOOK: @michmendezmedia

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