Top 5 Nail Arts for Fall 2016

Come fall and there is a drastic change in fashion. From sleek and chic overcoats to high-heeled boots; these are common views. The shade cards are dominated by brown, orange and black hues. When the outfits have a makeover why not the nails? Here are the Top 5 Nail  Art Ideas for Fall 2016.

Multi- Design Fall 2016 Leaves


What you need?

Base Coat

White, Gold, Copper, Black, Nude Polishes

Thin brush

Top Coat


What to do?

Apply base coat on all your nails. Choose any three nails and apply white polish. This would be your base color for those nails. Draw gold and copper leaf patterns in triangular shapes. Use a thin brush to draw leaf veins in black polish. Let it dry. Apply Top Coat. Apply one/two coats of nude polish to the other two nails. You may add a nail jewel and seal it with top coat; or just the nude polish and top coat.


Sunflower Nails


What you need?

Base Coat

Light Pink, Brown, Yellow, Black Polishes

Thin Brush

Top Coat


What to do?

Apply base coat. Let it dry and apply a single coat of light pink polish. Draw a semi-circle near the cuticle using the brown polish. Use a thin brush and draw sunflower petals around the semicircle with yellow polish. Draw black and brown dots inside the semi-circle. This can also be done with the help of a thin dotting tool. Let it dry. Apply top coat.



Autumn Leaves


What You Need?

Base Coat

Pale Peach, Light Red, Yellow Polish

Gold Glitter/ Gold Polish

Thin Brush

Top Coat


What to Do?

Apply the base coat. Let it dry and then apply the pale peach coat as the base color. Gently stroke your nails with Light red polish in diagonal strokes. Apply two coats of this polish. Let it dry and apply Gold Glitter or Gold polish again in diagonal strokes. Take a thin brush and draw fall leaves in yellow polish. You may want to mix yellow and orange polishes and then draw the leaves with the resulting color as well. Let it dry. Apply Top Coat.



Fall 2016 Ombre Art

Courtesy: Style Small World

What you need?

Base Coat


Black, Brown, Polish

Yellow, Orange Polish/Acrylic Colours

Thin Brush

Top Coat

Nail Polish Remover and Brush or Liquid Latex


What to do?

Apply Base Coat to all your nails. Let it dry. You can either apply Liquid latex around your cuticles or keep a nail polish remover near you for the next part. Apply Black and Brown polishes on the sponge and dab it on all your fingers. This is your base color. To remove the excess you can now use the remover or the latex. Take the brush and draw onto your nails leaves of orange and yellow color. You may use a polish or acrylic colors. Alternately, you may take apply the color onto your brush and dab it gently on your fingers to give it a leafy shape. Once the design is dry, seal it with a top coat.



Multi –Colored Fall 2016 Leaves


What you need?

Base Coat

Black, Brown, Green, Orange, Red Polish

Design Stamp




Nail Polish Remover

Dotting Tool

Top Coat


What to do?

Apply base coat and let it dry. Apply black polish as the base colour. Take a design stamp with autumn leaves etched onto it. Apply a colour of your choice (Brown, Orange , Green) and scrape off the excess from the stamp. Use a scamper to stamp the design onto your nails. Let it dry and remove the excess nail polish from your nails. This can be done by using a brush and nail polish remover. You can use a dotting tool and make red dots at the base of each leaf design to make it look more colourful.

Alternatively you can colour each leaf design on the stamp pad with a different colour. This needs to be done quickly so that the colour does not dry. Scrape off the excess. Use the stamper to stamp it on your fingers and remove the excess polish. Let it dry and seal it with a top coat.


Do let us know which is your favorite Fall 2016 Nail Art idea and you are most welcome to share your own tips as well.

Written by Fuzzable

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