My name is Niki and this is my 100th Fuzzable post. I am a member of the amazing admin team, and in the past year I have written 100 posts, been to some amazing events, interviewed some of the most amazingly talented influencers and I have made a ton of new friends along the way. For my 100th post, I thought I’d bring you 100 reasons why I smile. From silly reasons to my never-ending lists of crushes.
- My niece. She’s just turned 5, and every single day of her life shes made me laugh and feel joy. Here’s to you Pops.
- Grayson Dolan – my ultimate crush.
- Concerts. I’ve been to so many, it’s where I feel freest.
- My Fuzzable Teammates- You have all taught me more then I’ll ever be able to describe. I love you
- My mum. No one has a mum quite like mine. She’s crazy.
- All my cats; Lily, Garfield, Millie, Lucy, Bug, Jaspar and Dusty. The most amazing fluffs ever.
- Baby Flamingos.
- Shrek – The film that I can quote every word to inside and out.
- My closest friends. I’d be lost without your support
- Cheese
- Dogs in cars, with their heads out the windows
- Cecilia Aherns books
- Busted. My favorite band
- Hollyoaks, the show I lose my self in daily.
- That freshly shaved legs and getting into clean bedding feeling
- Old people who sit and tell you stories.
- Old people in love
- Glitter
- Spaghetti
- Ethan Dolan
- Tuesdays – (The Dolan Twins upload days)
- Nathan Sykes
- Nathan Sykes’ voice
- My pup Jess
- Vanilla scents
- Sporks
- Fluttery Eyelashes
- Sheep
- Baby Lambs
- A smile from anyone
- Warm sunny days
- Snow
- Cups of tea
- Woodlice
- Comfy PJ’s
- Snuggly socks
- Derek Hough
- Dogs chasing their tails
- Funky Hats
- Drake and Josh
- Pay Day
- Pizza (Gluten-free)
- The smell of petrol
- Hearing good news
- How my turtles dance for food
- Hammocks
- The feeling of sand in my toes
- Adventures
- Long car rides
- Even longer car rides with my best pal
- New shoes
- That new shoe smell
- Tigger
- Fluffy teddies
- Chick flicks
- Naps
- Sunflowers
- Going to a pet store
- Getting a pet from the pet store
- Fluffy rugs
- Caterpillars
- Googlie eyes
- Good brow days
- Gluten-free mac n cheese
- Milkshakes
- Frilly socks
- Making sock puppets
- When my phone actually charges
- Dying my hair
- The smell of incense
- Playing Mario Kart
- Winning at Mario Kart
- Having fluffed up pillows
- Watching ASMR before bed
- Makeup tutorials
- Pulling apart a cheese string
- Painting my nails
- Hugs
- Bouncing on trampolines
- Waterslides
- Swimming
- The word plonker
- Simon Cowell
- Jack Maynard
- Hearing the sound of laughter
- Seeing dogs trying to smile
- Tiaras
- Ice cream
- Penguins
- All things Pink
- Rainbows
- Nude lipsticks
- Cuddling babies
- Whenever I see my phone on 69 or 88%
- Fluffy Pens
- The Toy Story aliens
- When my eyeliner goes right
- Bubbles
- Popcorn
- Writing for Fuzzable
I hope you have all enjoyed all these things that make me smile the most. I hope they brought a smile to you.
If you want to add one more thing onto my list and make me smile, give us a follow on Instagram.